Dowsing Charts

Dowsing Charts Templates

Here you will find links to a series of dowsing chart templates. Each PDF file has only one page with 2 charts on it. The number associated with the file indicates how many sectors are drawn in the chart. Choose the chart that corresponds to the number of variables you’d like. To use the file click on the link and open the selected file in your browser. You may than print the charts or save the file on your computer for future use.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open a PDF file from your computer. If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can get it here:

DowsingChart_02 DowsingChart_03 DowsingChart_04 DowsingChart_05 DowsingChart_06 DowsingChart_07 DowsingChart_08 DowsingChart_09 DowsingChart_10 DowsingChart_11 DowsingChart_12 DowsingChart_13 DowsingChart_14 DowsingChart_15 DowsingChart_16 DowsingChart_17 DowsingChart_18 DowsingChart_19 DowsingChart_20 DowsingChart_21 DowsingChart_22 DowsingChart_23 DowsingChart_24

How to use the dowsing charts

To optimally use a dowsing chart, you start by writing down the question you want answered. Then you make a list of all possible answers you would expect. Make sure that your answers are very specific and that they do not overlap. If they do, you may get inconsistent answers from your dowsing system.

Once this is done, use the dowsing chart with as many sectors as answers in your list and write one answer from the list in each of the sectors of the dowsing chart (empty sectors are OK!). You can create more contrast between the answers by making sure that answers with subtle variations are located next to one another.

If you are new to dowsing, try to use charts that don’t have too many sectors. This will give more contrast in your response. You can then always create more sub-charts for more specific detail. Make sure to proceed as explained above for each of the chart you create; that is restate the question for the sub-chart and make a list of all possible answers for that particular question.

For best results, write or place your question in the upper part of your chart. This will give you focus when you dowse for the answer. Make sure to prepare yourself to dowse before you start (not explained here). Place your pendulum at the bottom center of the dowsing chart and firmly ask your question. Let your pendulum spin or give it a nudge to start spinning and watch which sector it moves to.

Trust your answer!

You may not like the answer, that’s OK! Don’t ask the question if you don’t want the answer! There may be many reasons why the answer comes to you as it does. You many not understand it now, but the reason may appear to you later. If your pendulum takes a “sharp turn” while dowsing, and stabilizes very quickly on a particular answer, this may be a hint that it is a solid answer. If on the other hand, the answer does not come quickly, you may want to refocus and try again at a later time or, consider reformulating your question by simplifying it and reducing the number of possible answers.

It is also possible that a question has multiple answers. In such a case you may want to dowse for percentages (not explained here) for each of the answers. This will give you an indication about which answer is more likely to be applicable. Here too trust the answer!

Yes/No Questions

Now remember Yes/No questions may be very misleading in the case where the answer could go both ways. As an example, you may ask : “Will the sky be blue tomorrow?” You may get a “yes” but you may also get a “no” for an answer! Obviously both are correct if the sky is blue with patches of clouds! In this case you may want to reformulate your question to: “Will it rain tomorrow?” If the answer is “no”, then you can take your hike as planned. If you want to know how cloudy the sky will be tomorrow, you may want to dowse for percentages.


If you have any doubts about your answer(s), dowse your question again making sure that you don’t let yourself be influenced by the first answer. If you do all the necessary preparation for your dowsing and get the same answer, you should be able to trust your answer.

Another thing you can do is to ask a different specific question that may support the answer from the previous question. For example, ask the question opposite the first question and see what the pendulum does.  Or you can move forward and backwards in time by asking the same question again because an answer may only be true at a particular place in time. By “interrogating” your answer and watching your pendulum respond to each follow-up question, the answer to your original question may gain credibility.

As you practice your dowsing more, you will notice that your answers get more accurate. Don’t be shy about using test questions. These are questions you know the answer to. Also give your dowsing system an out! If you think your list of answers is complete and really the true answer is not in the list, give your chart an “Other”… sector. Start small! If the question is too big or too generic the answer will be as well. Break big questions into manageable pieces and proceed as explained here for every question you have.

You can also use a dowsing chart by placing objects like pills, essential oils, or other small items into the sectors of the charts. This will prevent having to write down the answers in the chart. Once the objects are placed on the chart proceed as explained.

Now as you have more charts, you may want to collect them, organize them and reuse them. Instead of writing your question directly onto the chart, you may want to write it on a separate piece of paper and place this piece of paper on top of the chart before starting to dowse.

And remember… prepare yourself to dowse and trust the answer!

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