2017 Meetings: Please review the minutes of the following meetings.
Minutes: Finger Lakes Chapter ASD Meeting October 19th, 2017
Chapter President Suzanne Kotcher called the business meeting to order at 6:35 pm
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting. She introduced the officers, Vice President Eric Inglin, Treasurer John Butler, Secretary Janice Carr, and Program Chair Jini Cerio. Thanks were given to Barbara for taking care of registration, and thanks given to all those who brought snacks and helped with the set-up.
Suzanne reminded everyone of Leola Sutton, the Book Babe, who does book reports on the web site all the time. Recently, she has done a review of UFO sightings and web reference.
Suzanne gave the Treasurer’s report and was happy to say there was a good collection of money for books last month.
Suzanne reminded everyone that applications are always available for Dowser membership. She announced that the building has been renewed for next year for our meetings.
Jan Woodworth announced that Max the Crystal Skull would be in Marietta, NY on Oct. 26th and 27th. On Friday, Sept. 28th Jan saw a UFO and reported it to MUFON. It has been identified as an Unidentified Flying Vehicle.
Suzanne then introduced the guest speaker and author, Joan Cerio, speaking on “The Physical Heart, Metaphysical Heart and the One Heart.”
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Carr, Secretary
Minutes: Finger Lakes Chapter ASD Meeting August 17th, 2017
Chapter President Suzanne Kotcher called the business meeting to order at 6:40 pm
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting. She introduced the officers, Vice President Eric Inglin, Treasurer, John Butler, Janice Carr, Secretary, and Jini Cerio, Program Chair. Thanks were given to Jeri Welch and Carol for set –up and Jini for dowsing practice before the meeting.
Suzanne reminded everyone to check our website, Fingelakesdowsers.com at anytime for questions or if information is needed.
The Book Babe is on the website and she has reviewed “Clear Home, Clear Heart”
a book on dowsing.
Nine people went to Chittenango Falls with Christina Whited in July. They saw a Syrian Download, Lines and Spirit Lines in their photos. John Butler also released souls into the light that night.
The water dowsers will be collecting money sponsoring water projects all over the world. They will then decide on how the money will be used.
Suzanne read the treasurer’s report.
Madis Senner talked about his trip to the Whangton Stone Chambers and his participation at the Faerie and Earth Festival in Watertown NY.
Madis will be at the up-coming Pagan Pride Day on Sept. 16th at LongBranch Park. He remarked that there is a great vibe, much feminine energy at this festival.
In September Cheryl and Linda Costa will be speaking about UFO sightings. They are the authors of a UFO Sightings Desk Reference.
In October the speaker is Joan Cerio, in November, Christina Whited will be back and in December there is the Christmas Party. A suggestion was made to possibly have a water dowser come and speak to our group….Linda Marie Hill or Steve Herbert.
John Butler was then introduced as our speaker for the August meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Carr, Secretary
Minutes: Finger Lakes Chapter ASD Meeting May 18th, 2017
Chapter President Suzanne Kotcher called the business meeting to order at 6:37 pm
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting. She Introduced the officers, Vice president Eric Inglin, Treasurer, John Butler, and Jini Cerio, Program Chair. Thanks were given to Kay Inglin for registration, Jini for dowsing instruction before the meeting and refreshments, thanks to Robin and Shirley for snacks and Jeri Welch for set-up.
New people were welcomed. Suzanne reminded everyone that anyone who would like to help, please do so, set-up, etc. Suzanne read the Treasurer’s report.
Suzanne mentioned that print- outs of the convention schedule were available and that she had brought some free pendulum cases. There was a reminder that there is a dowsing group sign-up for Fukashima healing.
Linda Tanner spoke about the up-coming Gem and Mineral Show taking place on July 15th and 16th at the OCC Arena. There also are UFO lectures taking place on the 4th Sat. of every month, between 11 and 1:00 pm. The director of MUFAN has been there and experiencers speak. Ghost Hunters will be at the Palace Theater (Dustin Pari), on June 17th from 6 – 8:00 pm.
In July members will be speaking about their experiences at the convention.
In October Joan Cerio will be speaking.
Sign –ups were distributed for a seminar with Alicja Aratan and Sandee Mac with pendulums. An all day seminar would cost around $85.00.
Jini Cerio then introduced Tom DiFerdinando who talked about Wilhelm Reich and his Orgone energetic discoveries.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Carr, Secretary
Minutes: Finger Lakes Chapter ASD Meeting February 16th, 2017
Chapter President Suzanne Kotcher called the business meeting to order at 6:32 pm
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting. She introduced officers Vice president Eric Inglin, Treasurer, John Butler. Thanks were given to Jeri Welch, Kay, Barbara and Flavia for set-up and Jini Cerio for being our program chair. Janice Carr read the minutes from the January meeting.
John Butler read the Treasurer’s report and added that there is increased interest in the upcoming convention. 80 people had applied to be speakers at the June ASD convention (new speakers), and out of those, 40 were chosen.
In April, Adhi Two Owls will be speaking and another location is needed for the additional Friday and Saturday workshop she is giving.
In July, Christina Whited will be sponsoring a trip to Chittenango Falls on a weekend, there will be no talk. Diane Neubauer will be our speaker in July on the subject of Fractal Art.
Eric Inglin spoke briefly about his and Kay’s presentation on Bio Field Tuning in March. He mentioned that remote sessions are also available.
Jini Cerio then introduced the speaker for February’s meeting: Terry Bruneau, who spoke about Polarity theory and therapy.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Carr, Secretary
Minutes: Finger Lakes Chapter ASD Meeting January 19th, 2017
Chapter President Suzanne Kotcher called the business meeting to order at 6:35 pm
Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting. She introduced officers Vice President Eric Inglin, Treasurer, John Butler. Thanks were given to Jeri Welch, Kay, and Flavia for set-up and Jini Cerio for being our program chair.
Suzanne read the Treasurer’s report for John Butler. She then asked new people to the meeting to please introduce themselves. Suzanne reported that she came to the meeting/Holiday Party in December even though it had been cancelled; just to make sure other members had not accidentally arrived for the party. Fortunately no one came. Janice Carr then read the Secretary’s report.
Suzanne commented about how amazing Christina Whited’s trip to Chittenango Falls was. She was there a couple hours. People are still sharing photos from the event that are full of orbs.
Suzanne reminded everyone that ASD forms are available to take, fill out in order to become a member of the American Society of Dowsers. Discounts are available to members and you receive the ASD journal, the cost is $50.00. Water for Humanity has been re-formed and that is good news because there is nothing more important than water!
The New for You Table…a reminder to everyone to bring books that others may enjoy and leave your business cards for new business possibilities!
Thanks to Jini Cerio for the dowsing practice before our meeting. Please remember to see Suzanne Kotcher if you would like a dowsing mentor to work with. Someone contacted the club and was looking for a dowser to find water. John Butler and David Jarrow were suggested.
Jini Cerio, program coordinator, gave an overview of up-coming speakers:
February – Carrie Gruno – Polarities
March – ?
April – Adhi Two Owls with an additional seminar that Saturday
May – Tom DeFrancisco – Massage and Orgone energy
June – No Meeting, ASD Convention in Saratoga Springs
July – Christina Whited – Orbs and an additional weekend at Chittenango Falls
Jini Cerio then introduced the speaker for January’s meeting: Madis Senner, who spoke about Charged Ley Lines.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Carr, Secretary