Future Events


Please join us on Thursday, February 20th at 6:00 PM at the



The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presents:

Janet Ridgeway  

Animal Communication

Come for a very informative meeting on animal communication from Janet, an expert in her field. Janet will be speaking in general about the way that animals communicate telepathically. She will also speak about how to learn their language with stories about how animals have successfully shifted physical, mental and emotional issues with basic communication and natural remedies. 

Invite your friends!



Janet Ridgeway has been working as a professional Animal Communicator since 2000. She is a Reiki Master, trained in Shamanic healing, Pranic healing and Pleiadian Lightwork, Vibrational Healing, and the Eden Energy Method and incorporates these healing modalities in her work. She received her certification in Holistic Health and Nutrition for Animals through the Clayton College of Natural Health in 2008 with an emphasis on dogs and cats. In her sessions she draws on her knowledge base of homeopathy, essential oils, flower essences, herbs, dowsing and kinesiology. In addition, she is a certified IMAET biofeedback practitioner and an independent distributor of LifeWave phototherapy stem cell patches. All of these modalities can be used for animals and people.

She teaches classes in animal communication, Reiki, meditation, and spiritual development and has provided consultations for thousands of clients worldwide over the past 24 years, including veterinarians, animal rescue groups, shelters, and zoos. She is currently working on a non-fiction book about her work with animals.

Stay tuned for an upcoming You Tube channel, Podcast and new classes in 2025!


Schedule for the 2/20/2025 meeting:
6:00 to 6:30 – Sign-in and Dowser sharing of techniques (If you are new to dowsing – request help with basic techniques during this time period.)

6:30 – Short business meeting
Presentation will follow the business meeting.

Please note that if the weather conditions are bad, the meeting will be canceled and we will send out an e-mail to that effect before 4PM that afternoon. You will not receive an e-mail if the meeting is not canceled.


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