Past Events


9/19/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
The 7 Levels of Consciousness with Gregory Joseph

7 Levels of Consciousness – What is it?
When you pass a white light through a prism, it breaks the light down into its colourful components. While there are an infinite number of vibrations, there are 7 pronounced. We are born predominately to one of these vibrations. Each vibration carries with it certain traits that show up in the personality of the individual.

Why is it important?
When you become self-aware, there is a confidence level that allows for precise easy flowing conversation. You have the luxury of responding rather than the re-acting that causes disagreement and pain. Instead, Peace, Harmony and Productivity are the end result. Some side effects might be clarity, and agreement. Step into the wild side of communication! This is a highly interactive presentation.

  • See what your main trait is, and how it shows up in your communication.
  • Learn what vibration you were born to, and what it means relative to your personality traits.
  • When you know others’ communication style, you can adjust your delivery to achieve your desired result.
  • Know who you are communicating with so that you can get your information across without being interrupted.
  • Learn to identify these different modes of communication to create harmony in your relationships and in your business.

You can just imagine the beautiful conversations and joyful life ahead, can’t you?

The photograph above is a vivid capture of what this looks like! It was taken at a Sacred Ceremony by photographer, Shelby Shari Cohen, with a regular camera. I am to the left of the red figure in the middle, a Grand Master.  

Gregory Joseph – Master Spiritual Healer, who for over 42 years, has reduced pain, helped heal disease and ailments and helped cure supposedly ‘un-curable’ conditions for thousands of people all over the world. Often referred to as the Healer of Healers and Transformational Mentor, Gregory Joseph is a highly sought after behind the scenes man for celebrities, authors, and healers who seek his counsel for anything from physical pain to spiritual matters of the heart.

“I have a vision that all people recognize their Genius Talent, and live it in such a way that opens the door for others to realize theirs – a place of cooperation and mutual support to outrageously live the dreams that foster deep inner peace and unconditional joyful service”


8/15/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:          
Alice Buchanan

Applied  Awareness:  Spiritual Power Meets Advanced Technology

As humans, we have the opportunity to actively participate in amazing advancements. Working with awareness and technology, we can create magic and miracles on personal, collective, and galactic levels. In this presentation, I will share information about Tesla’s work, Rife Frequencies, epigenetics, and magnified personal intention toward Geomancy (Earth Healing), Ancestral Clearing, and increasing Collective Awareness. Together, we’ll explore the characterization of energy, share stories and practical ideas, and activate dormant capacities. As we explore new possibilities, we unlock the next level of our potential!


Saturday, August 17  9:30AM – 12:30PM
The 8 Factors of Communication: Aligning Intention for Multidimensional Reception

Imagine interactive multidimensional dialogues as your new normal!
Would you like to improve your perception of what is being brought to consciousness – and how? Are you ready to integrate new awareness in a practical way? Join me for a strategic overview of 8 Factors of Communication and open doors to practical ways you can become more in tune to the Language of the Universe.

Followed by: 8 Factors & Personal Inventory for Conscious Communication Activation
This imaginative visualization is designed to expand your understanding of who you are, to clear and activate powerful DNA connections that have been dormant until now.

Saturday, August 17  1:30PM – 4:30PM
Ancestral Clearing Circle

Are you feeling blocked? Stuck? Frustrated? Lacking motivation, passion, or creativity? It may be ancestral…even galactic!

Are you ready for a clean slate? The first part of this work is ‘discovery’ – the communication by and through our (galactic) ancestors. They assist in determining and communicating what physical and spiritual epigenetic energetic (and often traumatic) imprint would be helpful for you, as a proxy body, to clear on behalf of your lineage. The intention is to create more internal space for joy and enlightenment by becoming aware of the emotions and/or patterns showing up in our lives (that motivate or trigger us) and then releasing them.

This process allows us to shift to a new level of consciousness, and access our galactic gifts, which positively impacts our bodies, lives, families, relationships, the planet & the cosmos. This may be emotionally (sometimes somewhat physically) uncomfortable and/or challenging. I honor and respect your willingness to take part! I am also grateful for your feedback, which informs the next step, which is often as simple as taking a moment to assimilate. At a quantum cellular level, there must be trust that the Law of Attraction brings us together to do this work. Your participation requires honesty, vulnerability, and discretion, which is necessary to create a healing environment for us all.

About Alice
Alice Buchanan, a seasoned Energy Healer, Dowser/Diviner, and Geomancer, possesses a rare gift-the ability to connect to Source, Ancestors, and other dimensions. Her work as a psychic medium is a beacon of hope, helping others find balance in their mental and emotional bodies, clear ancestral trauma, and gain profound insight and guidance. Alice trained at The Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in England and has worked with some of the world’s leading energy healers, mediums, and psychics, including Jackie Wright, Sally Barnes, Deena Zalkind Spear, Bradley Nelson, Donna Eden, and David Feinstein, among others. In October 2018, she received the Q17 Energy Upload: a transmission of quantum-programmed energetic frequencies of Unconditional Love from Source to balance and harmonize Multidimensional Aspects of Heart, Consciousness, Will, and Body. She achieved her Master of Education through Southern New Hampshire University, is a Certified HeartMath® Trainer, and founded S.P.A.C.E, Inc. (a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to Spiritual, Practical, Artistic, Creative Education). A lifelong learner and dedicated teacher, Alice regularly presents at the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) Annual National Conference and other venues. She is an engaging speaker on a range of topics, from HeartMath® and Stress Reduction to Dowsing, Kinesiology, Geomancy, Ascension Symptoms, and more. A lifetime member of the ASD, Alice also served as president of the Living Waters Chapter  for  four years. To learn more about Alice, please visit


7/18/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:       

Kathy Kubacki – Reading the Akashic Records for Yourself

For many people, reading your own Akashic Records is the most difficult. We may have a tendency to second guess the information we receive, or feel like “I’m not getting anything.” We will explore the records and experience an easier way to obtain information while not getting discouraged or distracted. Come ready to have fun! Please bring a notebook or paper and a pen…and your curiosity! If you came to my presentation two years ago, this is a bit of a continuation and a technique you will enjoy!

Kathy has been doing Akashic readings since 2014.  Kathy’s website is

Reverend Kathleen (Kathy) Kubacki is a National Guild of Hypnotists Certified Clinical Hypnotist (CCH); Advanced Akashic Record Reader and intuitive as well as a Licensed Massage Therapist for 25 years (retired). Training and certifications in a wide variety of modalities including: Ordained Minister in the Order of Melchizedek; Advanced Akashic Record Reader trained in the Pathway Prayer Process; Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT); Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH); Lois Herman’s Energy and Spirit Release; Reconnective Healing; Integrated Energy Healing (IET); Usui Reiki Master Teacher; Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP); Pain Management Hypnosis; as well as countless spiritual, intuitive and psychic development classes and trainings.


6/20/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Dowsing for Miracles – Alicja Aratyn

We often hear that we all are Magicians! Alicja will discuss how every dowser has the potential to become a Magician and what it takes to reach that level.

•    What is needed to be a Magician and a dowser?
•    When and how do magicians/dowsers operate?
•    How can dowsing assist us in creating a Magical World around us, and how can it participate in our spiritual development?
•    Why do Therapeutic Pendulums serve us better in creating everything we want, need, and desire?
•    How can we increase our skills to obtain a trustworthy level of dowsing?
•    What tools can help us achieve our goals and reach higher in our potential, life performances, healing, and spiritual development?

The Summer Equinox takes place just before our meeting! Let’s use this sacred energy to unlock the secrets of Scientific Dowsing in the context of the metaphysical aspect of our reality! You will leave this meeting with a better understanding of your abilities!

Therapeutic Pendulum – Purposes, Applications, and Procedures Friday, June 21, 2024  6 – 9 PM

Many of us use Therapeutic Pendulums, but only some understand the depth of their abilities to help improve every aspect of our lives. If you doubt it, join us to learn:
•    What is the difference between Basic and Therapeutic Pendulums?
•    Different applications of Therapeutic Pendulums
•    How to energetically enhance our lives

We will practice: 
•    Variety of health-balancing applications
•    Problem-solving techniques
•    Enhance our financial condition protocols
•    Energizing our bodies to increase general life performance

Alicja will provide handouts to practice with. If you have a Therapeutic Pendulum, please bring it with you. If not, you can use one from the display. 

Pendulums will also be available for purchase, making it convenient for you to start your journey with Therapeutic Pendulums right away.

Clearing Past Life Blockages Using Dowsing Saturday, June 22, 2024   9:30 – 1 PM  

Nonbeneficial energies can influence our present and past lives. Past life energies can create particular and significant blockages devastating our current lives. They can also create challenging problems such as, health problems, malfunction of the inner organs and life performance. This can manifest as the inability to create and attract money, for example.

Let’s learn and practice:
•    How to identify the blockages
•    Determining what part of our physical body or mental/emotional subtle body they resides at
•    Learn the protocol for removing those blockages successfully
•    Q and A from attendees.

Let’s together learn how to clear your past life blockages to create a better future!

Diabetes and Health Conditions – Understanding and Healing Saturday, June 22, 2024   1:30 – 5 PM 

Western medicine’s description of diabetes says that “it is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels, which leads to severe damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves over time.” In the past three decades, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has risen dramatically in countries of all income levels. 

Since we know that particular emotions are behind all our diseases and health conditions, let’s learn about them. 
•    What emotion creates increased or decreased levels of sugar in our blood?
•    How can we decode those emotions, balance the sugar, and heal the body?
•    Why are there people with and without diabetes in the same family?

Let’s begin to de-mystify the growth of diabetes in today’s world by understanding its causes and effects. This information can also be used as a basis for other conditions. Have your pendulum ready – we will check and learn to balance the sugar level (if needed).

Alicja’s Aratyn – Biography 

Alicja Aratyn is an Environmental Engineer and a Reverend travelling extensively worldwide to share ancient knowledge and bridging it with modern, cutting-edge scientific research. Born in Poland, she came to Canada to pursue her dream of increasing spiritual development away from political restrictions. The sickness of her son brought her to turning fascination into full-time work. Her ability to see energies, past lives and extraterrestrial influences helped many people from around the world. Phone #:905-848-1233 e-mail: website:


5/16/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented: 



It consisted of potluck dining and three presentations.  The Chapter supplied plates, bowls, cups, napkins, silverware, water, tea and sub sandwich sections.

After eating the presenters were:
Suzanne Kotcher—Dowsing a spinal/ nerve chart for health

Jini Cerio—Dowsing a body organ chart and a meridian chart.  She will show what organ pain may be coming from.

John Butler—John will discuss what is one of the biggest unsuspected causes to wipe out the immune system. Many health problems may result from this unsuspected cause.

PLEASE BRING A PENDULUM. There will be time to dowse the charts and answer questions.


4/18/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a dowsing technique that utilizes a pendulum and a series of charts that research a client’s soul records to find programs and patterns preventing you from living your best life. Once found and cleared, you can make room for love, abundance, and freedom! SRT was developed by Robert Detzler almost 30 years ago and has helped people in more than 50 countries. 

Mecke Nagel, is an experienced dowser and specializes in Spiritual Response Technique (SRT) and will explain SRT and Spiritual Restructuring at her lecture and workshop. She has also been a wellness coach for over a decade and enjoys working with people and their pets, too. Mecke brings her own modalities, making her practice quite unique.

Rev. Mecke Nagel, PhD   
Light Circle Ministry | Educator of Young Living Essential Oils | Healing Circle of Cortland  607-310-1717


Spiritual Restructuring Workshop Saturday, April 20, 2024   12 – 3 PM

What is Spiritual Restructuring?
Spiritual Restructuring, another energy healing method, is done in a consciousness of Spirit and Love. It teaches how to take better care of the body and how to help others do the same. I will demonstrate how to work energetically with body systems to adjust, heal, and bring balance, to the vibrations of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of the true self. The technique involves meditation, emotional release, kinesiology, dowsing (or muscle testing), and the energetic/vibrational healing and alignment of the body, muscles, organs and glands. 

During this workshop we will focus on hips, sacrum, pelvis, lower back, shoulder, head, and other areas that will need attention. It can be done with light body touch or with pure Spiritual intent over long distances.

Bring your intention (for healing), water, in-door shoes, jogging pants or other loosely fitting pants. It’s important that you stay hydrated.


American Society of Dowsers 64th Annual Conference
Scientists And Mystics Walking Together!

June 14-16, 2024
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center  |  Marlborough, MA

Click here for Conference information

Click here for Speaker information


3/21/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:           

Joan Kimball – Palmistry 101

Joan will speak first about the fascinating history of Palmistry and where it stands today. The practice of Palmistry is ancient and goes way back in time. For instance, the Romans used it to pick their soldiers. There were societal forces that wanted to keep a lid on it, mainly the Church. As a result, Palmistry went underground but definitely survived.

At the meeting, Joan will discuss the lines, especially the head and the heart, how everyone has different hands and that you can observe how your hands differ from others’ hands.  She will also discuss mounts and how they define a person’s personality. Joan has always been intrigued by the lines and what they reveal about an individual. Also, fingers have connections to the planets with specific meanings. Come and join us for a very fascinating and informative evening with “The Palm Reading Lady”.  Joan has been a regular at many, many psychic fairs for many years.


Sunday March 24th, 2024   2 – 5 PM  Palmistry 101 – An In-Depth Workshop

Joan presents an in-depth workshop first with a brief introduction, followed by in-depth information on the lines, hand shapes, length of fingers and how the shape of the hand telegraphs an individual’s personality to a person who knows how to read palms.

You will also be given an opportunity and the information on how to draw your hand with the lines in the appropriate places.  All the important information, the lines, hand shapes, etc., will be covered.  There will be ample opportunity to ask questions.  Come and join us and learn about yourself!


BIO – Joan Kimball
With over 40 years of experience, Joan “The Palm Reading Lady” has been helping others with her psychic skills. Her ability to hear what others may not have heard helps her heal the wounds of those around her by repeating conversations she was not involved in, giving confirmation to what was spoken by others and by their own conscience. Many have said “Were you at my kitchen table this morning??? That is exactly what we spoke about.” When she says “I hear voices” this is an indication that your angels or spirit guides are giving you authentication from a total stranger of what you figured out for yourself BUT didn’t act on. Joan looks at the lines on your hand and talks about kids, money, relationships, longevity, health, travel, how you make your decisions, and the angels and guides that walk beside you. By using her Reflexion Cards she will show you how each of your chakras are responding to the issues in your life. She can see where your strengths and weakness’ are. By seeing all your options, you can choose your path as only you can do.
To make an appointment with Joan Kimball, call her at 315-404-7493.


2/15/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:           

Roxanne Louise -To Be or Not to Be THOROUGH!

The failure to be thorough in your dowsing work is a big reason why
     • Negative patterns & issues persist,
     • You don’t get the results you want,
     • Manifestation doesn’t seem to work so
     • Frustration builds & people give up on dowsing.

So many factors enter into dowsing before you can obtain accurate, maximally helpful information. Besides being careful about the literal interpretation of the words you use & asking clear, specific questions that leave no room for misunderstanding, you have also to ask sufficient questions that cover everything involved on the subject of your inquiry.

Whether you are working on goal setting & achievement, have important decisions to make, or big problems to resolve, incomplete or disappointing results are frequently caused by what you forgot or didn’t know how or enough to address or address thoroughly. Also, dowsing questions and techniques have to be tailored to the specific task at hand. What is good enough to successfully handle one dowsing project may not be good enough for all types of work.

ZOOM presentation by Roxanne Louise (at the North Syracuse Community Center) to learn new dowsing skills from a master teacher. Roxanne’s books will be available at the meeting.


Sunday, February 25, 2024  2 – 5 PM

A Live Zoom Workshop with Roxanne Louise

Healing Through Time – A Unique Approach to Dowsing On Mental & Emotional Issues

At some point, getting what you want in life entails dealing with what you don’t want and addressing whatever is blocking you from getting what you want. Perhaps you think that you have resolved a problem only to have another similar one pop up. What did you miss? Is there something more to your relationship with a problem person in your life that you don’t know about, that is not ready to let go? Does it stem from another time and place with someone else? Is there karma involved? Is it something in the family line? Do you have a hypnosis session to do a past life regression to get at the root cause? Or can you resolve it just with dowsing even when you don’t consciously know the details?

Dowsing charts and checklists are a big help, and Roxanne has made many. But she also teaches a unique method of working with your High Self below the level of conscious awareness to locate and address the root cause of any problem, review all the factors involved, extract the positive learning, shift any detrimental judgments made, and do a sweep through time of all other related events as well as future projections. Part of this approach to dealing with the root cause of issues she learned from a hypnosis mentor, A.L.Ward, and then she adapted it to dowsing. Roxanne is unique in the dowsing world to teach this powerful technique, and you will learn it here.

BIO: Roxanne Louise is a Hypnotherapist, Dowser, Stress Management Expert and Reiki Master, who divides her time between private practice, teaching classes both locally, on the internet, and at multiple national hypnosis & dowsing conferences yearly. She has received several awards for her work in hypnosis (including Lifetime Achievement) and dowsing. Roxanne is a past Board Member and later President of the American Society of Dowsers, conducted 47 informative ASD teleconferences for more than 2 years. She has written numerous books (see and has a prodigious blog with over 170 articles at She is known for her ability to integrate multiple modalities for a powerful synergistic effect that enables profound healing not possible with one modality alone, and in a way not previously done by others. She specializes in mental and emotional healing, stress management, mind-body healing, and creative problem solving. Her websites are, and
A full bio is here:


1/18/24 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:           

Jimbo Talbot- 

The Power of Community: A Primer To Intentional Drum Circles

Drumming is one of the oldest forms of music medicine on the planet. And since everyone with a heartbeat can drum, it’s only natural that we gather in intention, support and community for purposes of celebration, healing, meditation, intention setting and to experience the joy that comes from connection in the drum circle.

Origins, practices and uses, as well as different drums and percussion instruments used will be discussed.  We’ll discuss and listen to different vibrational frequencies from a variety of drums and instruments to discover and experience how and where they impact energy centers (chakras), as well as heal.  The power of intention setting, physical preparation, connection, change and play will be presented both, as discussion and in experiential drum play.

Drums and percussion will be available for use. You are welcome to bring your own drum and percussion instruments.


 BIO – JIMBO TALBOT dba DrumQuest – Acclaimed drum circle facilitator, professional percussionist and vocalist, and sound healer, Jimbo Talbot brings the FUN in designing, directing and sharing collaborative healing and co-creative transformational experiences. With nearly thirty years of professional music and team-building facilitation experience, he is the founder of DrumQuest, Adventures in Rhythm: Feel Happy and Healthy, One Beat at a Time. A passionate and purposeful play facilitator and teacher, he inspires and provides clients w/simple tools to access their own inner rhythms, become more aware of and release blocked energy, then open to making true connection, expression, reducing stress, increasing immune function w/a higher state of health and well-being. With an unshakeable belief that all beings are inherently musical and are here to share their expressions, he serves wide-ranging communities and client groups in developing expressive communities. Client communities include schools, churches and spiritual centers, senior communities, special needs, as well as corporate groups. He has worked w/Coca-Cola®, Goldman-Sachs, The Chopra Institute and NYS Traumatic Brain Injury Association. Jimbo also is an accomplished workshop presenter and speaker, having offered in person and on line programs. Recent presentations include Elevating Vibrational Thinking for University Students, Rhythmic Connections during the Pandemic, Engaging the Aging to Increased Health and Wellness. With a bachelor’s degree in voice, he has sung w/opera companies and choral groups from New York to California. He is a graduate of Music for People®, certified Remo HealthRHYTHMS® practitioner and member of the Drum Circle Facilitator’s Guild. For more information or to schedule your next rhythmic adventures go to or email Jimbo at


11/16/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Jo Speicher The Energy of Feng Shui / Chi / Energy

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is JoS-1.jpgThe discussion will be about Feng Shui, the eastern practice of optimal arrangement, specifically in your house. We will discuss the energy of Feng Shui/Chi/Energy and we will get a chance to diagram our houses and understand the interplay of color and elements and arrangements of furniture in different areas of our homes. You are invited to come with a set of colored pencils and an open mind.

We have had presentations this year about color and numerology. This workshop will bring this all together into one. The primary reference for this presentation is Karen Rauch Carter’s book “Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life.”

Jo Speicher is a nurse practitioner who works in research after an especially draining 4 ½ years in a nursing home as the nurse practitioner. She’s a lifelong learner who has recently discovered Feng Shui.


10/19/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Dr. Adhi Two Owls Dowsing Techniques for Climate Change

In this lecture I would like to talk about how Earth and climate changes are affecting us. Explore ways that we can use our dowsing tools as a means to create positive outcomes. I will share techniques using pendulums and L- rods to mitigate some of these changes that are now present in our lives. I will demonstrate the fundamental methods for map dowsing during this talk as well as other methods that can be useful in your dowsing tool kit. Bring pendulums and L-rods if you have them.


Half Day Workshop Information:

SATURDAY, October 21st– morning workshop

Creating an Energy Wand Using materials provided for the class you will learn how to design and create an energy wand utilizing biogeometry, sacred geometry, dowsing, universal energies and more…. You can use this wand for clearing spaces and healing people. The design is modifiable and adaptable for whatever conditions you encounter. In this workshop you will learn techniques for utilizing hardware you can find at any store and turn it into an energy healing tool.  I will cover how to design and create a personalized healing wand for your personal, home or healing practice.

SATURDAY, October 21st– afternoon workshop

Weather and Climate Dowsing Pendulum techniques for working with weather apps, maps, and local climates to modify, fix and adapt to the changes in climate happening around the world. There is a lot we can do to help the planet and make our lives better. Weather dowsing is one area that can offer ways to direct energy and utilize the current patterns. Bring your tablet/smart phone, pendulums, atlas or local map, colored markers and a ruler.


9/17/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Cathy Shultes – Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life with Numerology – Your Soul Contract Decoded      

This Spiritual Map of Life will empower you to:

  • Overcome karma (Your Karma is your greatest gift!)
  • Understand the truth of your life
  • Express more of your talents
  • Achieve your goals
  • Manifest your soul purpose

We will use your name as it appears on the birth certificate to calculate your Spiritual Map!

Come prepared with a notebook and pen/pencil as everyone will have the opportunity to calculate their Spiritual Map.

Cathy Shultes – Bio
In 2013, Cathy’s spiritual training began with a psychic/mediumship program at the Holistic Studies Institute in Albany, NY. She then continued with advanced training in Lily Dale with several internationally known mediums. Along the way other energy modalities were added: Reiki, Dowsing, Soul Contracts, Soul Realignment and Divine Healing. Along with spiritual work, Cathy has recently become a distributor for the iTeraCare wand – a terahertz frequency device that matches the vibrational frequency of human cells and can resonate to activate the body cells to function optimally.


8/17/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:


If you were unable to attend this year’s convention in Queensbury, NY or didn’t really know enough about it, this month’s meeting will showcase some of the highlights.  We will begin the program by walking you through attending the event.  Details about meals, the dorms, costs, vendors, the set up for speakers and workshops and Keynote evening speakers will be explained.

Following this introduction several attending members will present details from some of the speaker presentations.  John Butler, Jini Cerio, Janice Carr, Barbara Guzik and Suzanne Kotcher will speak.  It will be an informative evening.  It was a wonderful experience of knowledge, camaraderie and networking.  We shared a collective experience of opening and closing ceremonies, a labyrinth, food and snacks.  It truly was an opportunity to attend a great Mystery School in the Northeast.


7/20/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Joan Cerio – Living in the Shift of Ages:  Geomagnetic Pole Shift, Consciousness Shift, and the New Earth

Learn the real reason why we are going through unprecedented Earth changes and increasingly severe weather. I will present compelling evidence from ancient civilizations, indigenous tribes, researchers, and today’s scientists to show that it is NOT due to global warming. Rather, there is a 12,000 year cycle of catastrophic change and we just happen to be at the end of it – hence the terms “Shift of Ages” and End Times.” And at the same time, we are experiencing a consciousness shift. Learn what this may mean, what to expect in the coming decades, and how to prepare.


Joan Cerio – Biography 

The focus of Joan’s work is to assist humanity in its awakening. She uses her intuitive and visionary abilities along with her scientific background to offer answers to life’s greatest questions. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Master of Science degree in Science Education from Syracuse University. Joan has worked in the health and healing professions for over thirty years. She taught secondary science, Reiki, and massage therapy along with numerous metaphysical workshops. With her ability to bridge the worlds of science and spirituality, she is a radio show host of Earth Energy Forecast on BlogTalkRadio and the host of Envisioning a New Earth on YouTube. She is also an author of three books available as Ebooks on Amazon.


6/15/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

 Alicja Aratyn – Many Faces of Anger (How Dowsing Can Assist)

Anger does have many faces and manifests in many forms.  It also penetrates different organs to challenge our balance, integrity and happiness.  Let’s get acquainted with the many facets of anger so we can minimize its influence on our health and shorten our suffering.

–How many people with anger problems can you recognize in your surroundings?
–How often does anger consume us, even if we believe or think we can manage it?

After many months or years of being surrounded by anger, we presume that anger is a permanent part of our emotional being!  It does not have to be this way!

Let’s discover:
–    Which organs are influenced by anger?
–    How does anger manifest itself in those organs? 
–    How can dowsing help us eliminate anger or lower it to a less hazardous level?
–    How do words and emotions such as, I cannot stomach it” or This anger eats up my life”, express themselves in our physical body?
–    How can dowsing help us eliminate them? 
–    What health conditions may they create?
–    How to prevent them?

Let’s find out how devastating anger can be, how it depletes our energy and distracts our organs.

You will help yourself, your family, friends and community by healing it.


Full Day Workshop Information: SATURDAY, June 17th 10 AM to 6 PM 

Morning Session: A Little Detective
Have you ever asked yourself these questions:
–     Why do people strive to live an aware life but have such a hard time getting there?
–     Why do so many insist on knowing past lives if they do not understand the current ones?
–     Do people look to past lives to avoid looking at what they CAN change now?
Imagine seeing your life through the eyes of an outsider.  Look at trauma without emotion, analyze it, collect the facts, make sense of them and then draw conclusions.  Basically—a Detective!

In this session we will explore:
–    Tracing a life-line of our problems,
–    Finding and defining the root causes of our problems,
–    How specific genders react to traumas, “pains” and life issues and
–    How dowsing can support us in our search.

Have your therapeutic pendulums and paper ready.  We will do our work during class and then discuss some problems, comments and misunderstandings.  After finding and defining your trauma, you will be able to dowse to begin the process of removing it.

After Lunch Session: Fungus, Bacteria & Viruses — Their Role in Sickness & Healing

Working with my clients, I am often asked questions regarding the bacteria and fungus function in healing; why and when they appear.  We know that those micro-beings cannot stay alive in our bodies if there is no proper environment for their growth and multiplication.  PH would be one of the factors.

How do they get to our system?  By inhaling? Not every bacteria is airborne.  By touch?  If so, why out of millions of bacteria out there, only specific ones stay active and can do damage” in our system?  Why do we keep certain bacteria in our body as healthy” but still kill them with antibiotics? Why do particular funguses and bacteria disappear from our bodies at a specific time even though we would not use antibiotics?  How do they know it is time to go away?

Let’s see how New Medicine explains those phenomena!  Maybe it will inspire you to see your Life Story in a different way and to use dowsing to assist in solving your hardships


PRIVATE SESSIONS: Alicja offered 2 different sessions to choose from:

      Session 1 —  One on One 

I use my ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) and therapeutic pendulums during the session. When we meet, I need to ask you a few questions to clarify certain events in your life and their emotional meaning to you to find out how it happened that you are where you are in your life.  To do that, I use a scientific and strictly medical approach.  Then I will do my best to explain why you suffer what you suffer and what a chain of events got you to where you are right now.

Afterwords, I look energetically at your whole system and begin removing energetic pollution” from your field.  I usually begin with balancing your chakras with the pendulum.  The clearing is essential to healing.  Most important is understanding our lives and ourselves.  Once fear and anger are eliminated from our lives, we are on the way to emotional stability, joy in life and general prosperity.

Often my clients get “homework” to do.  Some exercises help you process emotions easier, forgive yourself and others and clear your predicaments in past or current relationships.  Those procedures are often helpful to remember and use when something similar happens in your life in the future.

      Session 2  — 1 and 1/2 hours

If you wish to get a more in-depth understanding of all the traumas imprinted in your brain, you may decide to get a complete scan of your brain. It is a unique opportunity to get a scan, as it must be done in person. Since I am located in Canada and rather rarely visit the USA, this may be your only chance to get this type of session. During the first part of the session, I will give you a set of headphones, through which the special computer program will scan your brain on all five levels: endodermal, old and new mesodermal and ectodermal. The scanning process takes about 15-20 minutes so we will need you in person for about half an hour. Then I will need time ( a few days) to analyze the reading and will send you a full report of your scan results.

The second part of the session will be a one-hour ZOOM appointment, during which we will discuss the scan results and initiate your healing process. As you can see, both parts will take all together 1.5 hours (as a regular session), just in two parts. The reading is harmless, painless and easy for you to go through. In final effect, you will have a complete picture of your emotional state, which will help you understand your current behavioural and health issues. 


Alicja’s Aratyn – Biography

Alicja Aratyn is an Environmental Engineer and a Reverend travelling extensively worldwide to share ancient knowledge and bridging it with modern, cutting-edge scientific research. Born in Poland, she came to Canada to pursue her dream of increasing spiritual development away from political restrictions. The sickness of her son brought her to turning fascination into full-time work. Her ability to see energies, past lives and extraterrestrial influences helped many people from around the world.

Phone #: 905-848-1233 e-mail: website:


5/18/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Aaron Singleton – A New Reality – Let’s Play!

Volunteers need only to raise their hands to join in on the exercises.

This energy can open your lungs, adjust the spine, release your fear & anxiety, eliminate pain/illness, and more! Join me for this demonstration of Intuitive Healing and “spooky action at a distance.”  I will share stories and insights on various conditions that can be easily healed through hands on and energy healing techniques.  We will share in a quantum entanglement exercise that will open your eyes to this new reality.  There will be healing, laughter, and maybe a few tears, all in the name of the new Quantum Reality.

Meet Aaron Singleton
Aaron is a medical intuitive healer, visionary, educator, and pioneer in the science of healing with numbers, shapes, and intention. He has the distinct ability to facilitate healing for hundreds of people simultaneously, both in-person and remotely, and has performed tens of thousands of healing sessions on people across the U.S. and abroad.


Workshop Information: Saturday, May 20th – Activate Your Divine Blueprint

10 AM to 1 PM
BMG TM Divine Blueprint Cards are 5th dimensional geometry that is perceivable by the human body. The cards create resonant frequencies that are read by your DNA. Each unique BMG TM card design generates an energy field for a very specific use. They also create a resonating morphic field that identifies imbalances in your DNA, brain, body and bioplasmic field which facilitates in their release. Learn how to use the Divine Blueprint Cards for healing yourself and others. Use the cards one at a time by propping them up to project their energy for up to a distance of 6 feet. They may also be placed directly on the body. Release blockages to joy, peace, worthiness, victimhood, ego & control, and much more!


4/20/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter

Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212 The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Jami Bisesi, LMT – Vision Boards for Your Wellbeing

Jami Bisesi of Infinity Wellness Connections will present an interactive discussion on how to use color as a TOOL to know thyself.  Through guided instruction each participant will create their own vision board and then using the supplies provided will add special phrases, colors and unique additions to their own creation.  The final product will be a representation of eight different, but very connected areas of wellness. Using the Infinity Wellness Wheel and Color Therapy as a tools for our vision boards will not only result in a good foundation for making your dreams a reality, but will be a lovely piece of art to view and contemplate.  

Jami Bisesi, LMT

As a practitioner of massage therapy, Jami has over a decade of hands on experience with not only relieving pain in the body but also from the client’s mind and soul. She integrates her knowledge of Massage, Master of Education and Expressive Arts Therapy together to create a plan that is customized for each client.  She educates and engages the public as to the physical and emotional connections that make up a painful body.

3/16/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:


Suzanne will speak about and demonstrate pendulum basics:  how to find your frequency, prepping to dowse and other fundamentals.  Following this introduction, Suzanne will show and explain several pendulums that are powerful for general work, questions, healing and clearing.

Jini will be explaining how to use dowsing charts, how to make your own charts and questions to ask for the correct answers.  She will also discuss what the M&M and Osiris pendulums do and how to use them.

Join us and get hands on experience using “L Rods” to locate water and checking out auras for illness.  You will also use the “Y Rod” to locate water.  The dowsing reaction that you will see and feel will be strong.  You will be able to use rods during the break and Jere will assist anyone that needs help.

John is a lifetime member of ASD.  His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led to many discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America.  John will be doing a live demonstration on how to do clearing work on people with a pendulum.

Music has great power to affect our mind, body and spirit.  Janice, an accomplished violinist, will lead us in a live musical meditation.  This meditation will involve only music not guided words. 
Following Janice’s meditation there will be time for questions and answers for any of the 5 presenters.


2/16/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Maggie Timofy- 

Healing Benifits of Colonics

Hello, my name is Maggie Timofy.  I have been a colon hygienist since 2003 and a licensed massage therapist since 2017. I grew up in the Fairmount area and have lived nearby my whole life. Of course I have traveled to many areas of the United States and a little abroad. I love winter so I consider this a great place to live. I have enjoyed skiing for more than 50 years.  I have to say it is my favorite hobby.  I also enjoy hiking, kayaking and most recently sailing.

My other passion is holistic wellness. I think many of us get into that field because of passion for the environment and our own well-being as well as the desire to help others.

I struggled with constipation issues for most of my life prior to receiving the healing benefits of colonics. I named my practice Colonics Plus because I always knew I wanted to add other therapies and benefits for my clients down the road. I just re-branded recently and I now call my business:

Colonics Plus Complete Care Massage of Syracuse.  I’ve had the privilege of having a one on one mentor after I finished my schooling. I’ve also taken a number of continuing education classes for advanced techniques. My specialty is helping people in chronic physical and emotional pain. I love the opportunity to teach people things that have helped me. So I am looking forward to the opportunity to speak to your group. I will be talking more about why I decided to go into being a colon hygienist, the different methods for colonics. How an enema is different. What happens during the colonic? What does it feel like?  Who should not have one?  I will happily answer any questions at the end.

1/19/2023 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Jimbo Talbot- 

Medicine in the Music: Sound Healing Tips ‘n Tools for Everyone

We all know the healing power of music.  But did you know that the practice of sound healing traces its roots back to the beginning of recorded history?  From the time of the ancients, shamans, medicine people, and healers were revered for their abilities to diagnose, heal and prevent illness through the use of sound.

Yet, many of those practices are much more common than you might think.  Science has begun to catch up with this ancient art, and now more than ever before, we start to understand how managing and harnessing the power of sound – in a World filled with sound made up of vibrations – can prevent up to 90% of medical visits.  Why? Because the root causes of illness are mainly brought on by stress.  Looking back at how ancient cultures have used it, we can harness the power of sound using readily available instruments accessible to anyone.

After a brief history and a smattering of research, we get to the heart of the matter.  Learn and practice stimulating the vagus nerve, a primary key to reducing stress.  Practice better, more efficient breathing for producing oxygen-rich blood.  With demonstrations provided, opportunities for practice with various vibrational instruments, both large and small, will provide an excellent foundational working knowledge of sound healing.  Additionally, various tools will be available for purchase to continue the practice of sound healing.

JIMBO TALBOT dba DrumQuest – Acclaimed drum circle facilitator, professional percussionist and vocalist, and sound healer, Jimbo Talbot brings the FUN in designing, directing and sharing collaborative healing and co-creative transformational experiences. With nearly thirty years of professional music and team-building facilitation experience, he is the founder of DrumQuest, Adventures in Rhythm: Feel Happy and Healthy, One Beat at a Time. A passionate and purposeful play facilitator and teacher, he inspires and provides clients w/simple tools to access their own inner rhythms, become more aware of and release blocked energy, then open to making true connection, expression, reducing stress, increasing immune function w/a higher state of health and well-being. With an unshakeable belief that all beings are inherently musical and are here to share their expressions, he serves wide-ranging communities and client groups in developing expressive communities. Client communities include schools, churches and spiritual centers, senior communities, special needs, as well as corporate groups. He has worked w/Coca-Cola®, Goldman-Sachs, The Chopra Institute and NYS Traumatic Brain Injury Association. Jimbo also is an accomplished workshop presenter and speaker, having offered in person and on line programs. Recent presentations include Elevating Vibrational Thinking for University Students, Rhythmic Connections during the Pandemic, Engaging the Aging to Increased Health and Wellness. With a bachelor’s degree in voice, he has sung w/opera companies and choral groups from New York to California. He is a graduate of Music for People®, certified Remo HealthRHYTHMS® practitioner and member of the Drum Circle Facilitator’s Guild. For more information or to schedule your next rhythmic adventures go to or email Jimbo @


Vibrational Medicine: A Practice To Heal What Ails You
2 Hour Workshop
Sunday, January 22, 2023           2pm  – 4 pm 

For many, the thought of another visit to the doctor is cause for alarm or at least an unpleasant feeling. It’s little wonder, in looking at our Western Model of Medicine, with a lack of adequate medical care for all, risings costs, and an over-dependency on pharmaceuticals often causing more harm than healing, even with all the advances in modern medicine, that we’re left wondering why we struggle so to achieve a better state of health. And yet, in looking back to Ancient Eastern Cultures, patients often only paid physicians when they were well and not when they were ill. The secrets of Eastern Healing are steeped in vibrational medicine, often called sound healing. Physicians, healers, and the like practice and prescribe working with these simple tools – vibrational sounding, nature journeys, and proper diet – to effect cures that get to the root of the problem.

Fortunately, many of these prescriptions for self-healing have been revealed and are now made available to aid in developing a healthier systems balance in the body. While we do not suggest that one cut out going to the doctor altogether, especially in emergencies, many so-called check-ups and follow-ups can be avoided by adopting some of these elementary practices. Often, after a session, clients indicate headaches and assorted aches and pains simply disappearing. Breathing is improved, mental clarity returns and there is an overall feeling of calm alertness. Posture and gait also benefit here.

Together, in this two-hour hands-on workshop, we’ll take turns giving and receiving vibrational medicine to relieve stress, ease tension, lower heart rate, and blood pressure, and normalize breathing to achieve a more balanced state of being. We’ll practice with gongs, Himalayan bowls, tuning forks, and energy chimes, as well as hand drums and hand pans, and rattles. All instruments and tools for effecting change will be made available for workshop practice. Additionally, there will be a good selection of instruments and tools available for purchase to help you continue to develop and build a more healthful state of being. 

The workshop location:
Fayetteville Village Town Hall
425 East Genesee St (Rt 5), Fayetteville, NY  13066

11/17/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Sandee Mac – 


There are many paths up the mountain, some slow and meandering, some lightning fast, some dark and treacherous. Some are well marked, but they all eventually lead to the top. There are hundreds of dogmas, rules, religions, strategies, and scripts about how to get there. The ancient sacred, simple, and yet humble art/gift/skill of Dowsing is not often considered a path up that mountain, but it certainly can be your perfect guide and trusted companion.

We are all Beings of Light…….with numerous layers that combine to create who we are moment to moment in this lifetime. There are the elements of our health and genetics, our ancestors and cultures, our past and future lifetimes, our astrological maps, our joys and traumas, our beliefs, values, goals and so very much more.  Every one of these layers or puzzle pieces can be discovered, explored, and even changed with the tool of Dowsing.

Sandee Mac has been teaching Dowsing since the 70’s and has explored and translated numerous systems into ways that can assist us in not only truly discovering who we really are, but if we choose, to even change things. With a broad background in mental health, and systems ranging from Feng Shui, Peruvian shamanism to NLP, and Tibetan healing – a lifetime of study, research and teaching, Sandee has a passion for teaching others to make changes simple and easy. She has a willingness to look outside the box in everything and then tie it all to Dowsing. She brings a broad, yet fresh approach to all the Big Questions.

So whether you are a new Dowser or you’ve been at it for years… you’ll enjoy viewing some of the different paths with your BFF… your Dowsing tool. Please come with lots of questions and ideas!


Sunday, December 4th for a ZOOM class with Sandee Mac  1:00 – 4:00

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Sandee Mac – 


The very idea of a “curse”, having any effect on us now, may seem quite ridiculous, but actually can be a very “REAL” thing that might be creating powerful, or even crippling influences in many areas of our lives. Curses are much more common than you might imagine. They may be from past lives, or even multi-generational like the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s.  Vows and oaths can block our success, abundance, even relationships and health. It may be even a vow of poverty!!

Sandee will explain the differences in all of this mumbo-jumbo stuff, how to identify, track down, and finally how to compassionately clear these from our families. Clearing will also work for our past and future generations, usually with dramatic results. You’ll learn the step-by-step dowsing protocols. Sandee will demonstrate on volunteers, and there will be plenty of time for questions.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn this powerful skill and add it to your dowsing tool kit. You will be amazed!

This will be a class coming to your home via ZOOM — NOT an in-person meeting.

Class time:  Sunday, December 4th  1:00  –  4:00

10/20/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Kathy Kubacki

The Akashic Records

Kathy will be speaking about the Akashic Records at the Dowsers meeting on October 20, 2022. She will explain what the records are and what her process is to read them for clients. She’ll explain how this practice has evolved for her and tell some stories about different things that came out in readings that is enlightening for all of us. Kathy has been doing Akashic readings since 2014.  Kathy’s website is

Reverend Kathleen (Kathy) Kubacki is a National Guild of Hypnotists Certified Clinical Hypnotist (CCH); Advanced Akashic Record Reader and intuitive as well as a Licensed Massage Therapist for 25 years (retired). Training and certifications in a wide variety of modalities including: Ordained Minister in the Order of Melchizedek; Advanced Akashic Record Reader trained in the Pathway Prayer Process; Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT); Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH); Lois Herman’s Energy and Spirit Release; Reconnective Healing; Integrated Energy Healing (IET); Usui Reiki Master Teacher; Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP); Pain Management Hypnosis; as well as countless spiritual, intuitive and psychic development classes and trainings.


Reading Your Own Akashic Records 4 Hour WorkshopSunday, October 30, 2022        10:30 – 3:00

Kathy Kubacki will be teaching you how to access your own Akashic Records for personal growth.

The Akashic Records are a living, energetic field, often referred to as The Book of Life. They are a library of sorts containing all that is, was and may be. The Akashic Records are available to all that seek them.

Learn to open your own Akashic Records and gather information you are seeking. Learn what types of questions to ask, with the assistance of the Record Keepers, Archangel Raguel or Archangel Metatron.

Learn two prayers to open your Akashic Records and spend time getting comfortable in the energy of “The Records.”

* * * * * Bring your own lunch. There will be a half hour break.* * * * *

The workshop location: Fayetteville Village Town Hall
425 East Genesee St (Rt 5), Fayetteville. NY  13066

(Located in the Village next to the Fayetteville Fire Dept.–Parking is behind the bldg–go to 1st traffic light after bldg–turn left unto North Manlius Street and then in 100 ft turn left unto Elm St.–go past the back of the fire house into next parking lot–you will see the words “Town Hall” on the brick bldg–when you enter go in to the 3rd floor–there is an elevator and a staircase)

9/15/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Aaron Singleton

Stop Chasing Symptoms: Fix Your Root Cause!

Visionary, Inventor and Medical Intuitive Healer Aaron Singleton’s unique and empowering experiential workshop transforms lives. He will show you a framework for understanding how we become sick or manifest problematic conditions in our bodies and lives, and the pathway to return to wellness and balance.

Aaron will introduce you to The Energy of Life® (EOL) Healing Process to empower you to map out and resolve your Root Causes in your own body. Explore the Root Causes of backaches, migraines, arthritis, allergies, gas reflux, anxiety, asthma, infertility, and much more.

Aaron explains and demonstrates how chasing symptoms, or even naming an illness or condition from an allopathic (medical) perspective is often inadequate or irrelevant if your goal is to FIX THE PROBLEM!

Meet Aaron Singleton
Aaron is a medical intuitive healer, visionary, educator, and pioneer in the science of healing with numbers, shapes, and intention. He has the distinct ability to facilitate healing for hundreds of people simultaneously, both in-person and remotely, and has performed tens of thousands of healing sessions on people across the U.S. and abroad.


Workshop Information:

SATURDAY, September 17th – A.M. session
The Alchemy of Healing with Platonic Solids — 2 hour workshop, 9 AM to 11 AM
From Pythagoras to Plato to present day, we have contemplated the wonder of the platonic solids. We count the edges, sides, vectors, and faces. We observe these magical shapes in nature, art and architecture. Yet until now, we have never found a way to use the energy potential of these elemental shapes.

In this workshop, Aaron will share his discovery of how to use the platonic solids for health and healing in your everyday life or healing practice. Don’t worry: there is no math involved for you! Just pure alchemy. He will share how to find the frequency of any room and use it for healing, as well how to use the power of Tesla’s 3, 6, 9  to fill any room with even more healing energy. Learn specific protocols for using this special matrix with the BMG™ platonic solids, including how to clear the aura and other energy fields, working on the respiratory system, endocrine system, and more!

Lunch break 11 A.M. to Noon

SATURDAY, September 17th  – P.M. session
Crystal Activation Codes — 1.5 hour workshop, Noon to 1:30 P.M.
Activation codes are a simple, easy method for amping-up the energy fields and ‘broadcasting range’ of the crystal(s) you are working with. Activating your crystal creates a larger energy field, enabling you to share the healing experience with family, friends, clients, and even pets. Within this enhanced field you are presented with the opportunity to heal your relationship with the essence of each crystal. Learn how you can use these codes to enhance the healing potential of Reiki, yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, or any other type of healing.


8/18/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:


Suzanne Kotcher will speak in August on her trip to Mt. Shasta, CA in June of 2022.  The presentation will include details of a guided tour of the Sand Flats/Telos portal on the mountain.  Suzanne will also speak about the Kryon Conference in McCloud, CA, a rustic town where Mt. Shasta can be viewed from almost everywhere.  There will be details about the Kryon information, an overview of the other speakers who presented and other fun and interesting things that she learned while she was there.  Suzanne feels that it was truly a wonderful and magical experience.

Suzanne is an ordained Minister through the Light of Divine Truth Foundation since 1997.  She is also an ordained Minister Practitioner through Lightwing Center of Life Spirit CC since 2014.  She is a Reiki Master practicing since 1993 and has taught Reiki to over 100 students through the years.  She is a registered Karuna Master through the International Center for Reiki training since 1999.

Suzanne is a dowser and is currently a member of the American Society of Dowsers and the President of the Fingerlakes Chapter.  She became a Certified Consulting Hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. in 2018 and also conducts past life regression sessions.  Suzanne also works with many diverse wellness energetic tools and techniques.  Suzanne has a MA degree and is a retired Special Education teacher.


7/21/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Michael Phoenix Heart 

Our scheduled speaker for July has cancelled due to illness.  Michael Phoenix Heart has agreed to speak at tomorrow’s meeting.  Michael is a well known Shaman, Medium, Psychic, Ritualist/Ceremonialist, Teacher/Mentor and a wonderful speaker.  So come and enjoy the evening.  We are so grateful to have him at this meeting to share with us!

Michael’s website is


6/16/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:


My Body, My Ancestors

We are living in the most challenging situation collectively in the evolution under this present civilization. The pandemic beginning in 2020 changed our life unlike any others before. And we are being threatened by the very nature of our genetically stored and bloodline-contained unresolved subconscious or and unconscious memories. Those memories have been registered, stored and circulated in our very bloodlines for over two thousand years, if not shorter, for the very creation of this civilization we live and believe. And they are not written in the history books, nor stored inside the word-coded belief-lines, but survived in our ancestral bloodstreams and thrive upon the ancestral infrastructures regulating our subconscious strings and our unconscious streams.

Time-machine as celestial and elemental matrices has been changed since we were able to tap the time-line in an hourly frequency, then as short as a minute goes on its minute state, and now a second. The Quantum breath-through of time-code inside the frequency or duration of a second, gives birth to nanoscience and nanotechnology. This virtual environment opens the chances for both the sick cells to migrate and viral triggers to target such as the Covid 19.

Because of this evolutionary breakthrough, subconscious and unconscious memories have been stored inside our ancestral bloodline since the dawn of this civilization are uncaged and unlocked, as they gush through our subconscious barriers and break free from unconscious chambers, causing multiple symptoms and generating uncured diseases. Must we awake our spirits to do something different, or die with the same death-driven memories like our ancestors had died from?

The beginning place is the moment of our conception! In this very moment, our incarnating spirit will revisit what a load it received from the three generational accumulation among the 14 ancestors. This is the place to go! This is what we must do!

TAO HUANG – Tao Huang is a native Taoist practitioner who receives the gift of 15X15 human Conception activation and awakening codes after over 34 years of practicing a healing modality called Meridian Dance and the teaching of Chinese culture and Taoism. He is the author and coauthor for 5 books, such as Spiritual Anatomy, the Secret Teachings of the Tao Te Ching, 15X15: How Your Ancestral Infrastructures Manifest in Your Life. He also received the direct transmission of Fourth Wave of the l Ching’s: Moondial, which will become practical when the resources on the Moon are able to be utilized. He will help those who are willing to revisit their conception contracts and complete the interior clearing for the 4 required ancestors.


5/19/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Dr. Adhi Two Owls –

Healing the Environment Starts With Our Gardens at Home

In this talk I will discuss some of the methods and ways we can use our dowsing to improve the soil, air and energy qualities of the spaces we live in. There’s a misconception about how we have to do big things to save the environment. Really, it’s much closer to home where we need to start – even if you live in an apartment or you only have access to a small amount of land or even just potted plants. You can create an energetic environment that is healing and sustainable for the well-being of everybody who lives there, but also eventually it will expand out to the environment around you.

This information is based on research I’ve been doing over the last 15 to 20 years. It has its roots in Biogeometry, yet is expanded into other areas of earth energy, agricultural energy work and how we relate to the planet through Shamanism and other spiritual practices.

Bring a pendulum and dowsing rods.


Saturday, May 21st 1/2 day classes were offered:

In this workshop Dr. Adhi will present several ways in which you can use your dowsing and other energy methods to expand your personal life-force energy and create abundant vitality that radiates all the good vibe energy we want to put out in the world. The world is going through some obvious changes and it’s really up to us as individuals to work on ourselves in a way that allows us to be part of the solution. These techniques will not only ground us, but also expand us as we plug into the Earth energies that drive the much larger mechanisms of Earth. Bring a pendulum and a bobber. Handouts will be provided.

Healthy Homes, Healthy Hearts

An important aspect of our lives is where we live. Living in homes that are toxic or full of trauma etc., will slowly erode our ability to function in the world in a healthy manner. In this workshop I will present methods and techniques to clear, balance and remove unwanted energies and cultivate healthy ones in our homes. When our environments feel safe and provide us with the right set of energetic support, our hearts only expand more and it allows us to be a better human being in the world. This translates to our energy work, dowsing and our spiritual path to be more inspired and sustainable.

Private sessions were also offered:

  • Soul integration/retrieval
  • Removing of implants, attachments and cording
  • Home and map dowsing
  • Medical dowsing
  • Energy healing clearing and balancing


4/21/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Animal Communicator and author, Shari Koval

Life Lessons from the Animal World

Animal Communicator and author, Shari Koval will share some of the messages she has received from the many animals she has communicated with for the past decade. She will give a brief overview of what Animal Communication is and is not, what is covered in a typical communication session and how communication can be helpful to the animals as well as their humans. Shari will share many of the funny, sassy and heartwarming messages she has been able to pass along to the human families of animals who are still with us and those who have already passed on. She will end the talk with life lessons from the animals.

Shari will offer signed copies of her book “Hounds, Horses and Hearts … Working Animals Tell Their Stories” for sale at the event for $10 each (Cash only please). All of the sales proceeds will be donated to the two charities she supports with her book sales…Best Friend’s Animal Society and America’s Vet Dogs.

About Shari Koval
Shari Koval is a retired Senior Research Scientist, an Animal Communicator and owner of SKEnergy Healing LLC. She is an Usui/ Tibetan and Karuna™ Reiki Master/Teacher – member IARP, a Pranic Energy Healer, a Tuning Fork Therapy™ practitioner, and is certified in Natural Healthcare for Pets. Koval specializes in distance healings and communications. Her clientele are an even mix of humans and animals. Her work as an Animal Communicator helps her clients to understand just what their animal friends need to live happier, better balanced lives. Shari is the author of “Hounds, Horses and Hearts – Working Animals Tell Their Stories” and a contributing author of “Talk to Me – Round Pen Work from the Horses Point of View” – Tammy Marsh.
Shari intends to raise awareness to animal and veteran’s charities, and will donate 100% of the profits from book sales to:
50% to America’s Vet Dogs (
50% to Best Friend’s Animal Society (


3/17/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Lynne Potteiger, LMT, FMCHC & Red Door Healing Practitioner

Introduces the KaTa See Red Door healing tool and the Art of Red Door Healing

The Ka Ta See Red Door, simply described, is a tool for accessing and broadcasting information and healing energies over long distances. It’s also called a Dimensional Entry Transmission Field Generator for those that understand more of the quantum physics of it all. It works it’s healing magic by way of its geometry and the materials it’s made from.    It’s design and materials were worked out by its creator Kay Cordell Whitaker, a remarkable woman, who’s a storyteller Shaman in the Kala Keh Nah Seh tradition, a teacher of ancient Peruvian Healing Arts, the creator of the Red Door Healing programs including The Secret Codes of Healing and the Author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link.

I became a proud owner of my first Red Door Bowl back in 2008 and used it to simply clear my home and healing space. It wasn’t until 2019 that I began learning how to work with it in all the different and amazing ways that it’s intended for. It’s been an exciting journey as there is no end to the number of ways that this amazing tool can assist in our healing as well as the healing of the planet.

The Red Door Healing tool and studies are truly unique… its applications are numerous… it’s versatility makes it a healers dream, as well as an amazing adventure.

Lynne Potteiger has been practicing as a licensed Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for 30 years and has been a practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Psychology approaches to healing for eleven years.  She’s also a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, a Red Door Healing Practitioner and teaches classes in self-healing locally.For more information please go to ,  Ka Ta See Red Door Webinar Series,  or sign up for the Library @ Ka Ta See Library


2/17/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Lynne Potteiger

Transforming Your Life and Our World with Emotional Freedom Techniques & Energy Psychology Methods

Lynne Potteiger has been practicing as a licensed Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for 30 years and has been a practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Psychology approaches to healing for eleven years.  She’s also a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and teaches classes in self-healing locally.

Lynne believes that all that we need to heal and thrive in life resides within us and when we can clear the energy blocks, beliefs and habitual ways of thinking and being in the world, the energy and information we need will be made available.

Join her on February 17th for a talk and interactive demonstration of Emotional Clearing Technique and Energy Psychology Methods for healing and transforming your life and the world at large.

For more information about Lynne, go to


1/20/2022 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented 2 Speakers:

Jere Welch – Heart Chakra Clearing

Start the New Year right with a Heart Chakra Clearing of all the negativity you have picked up on your journey through life. This is one of the most powerful heart/emotional healings you will ever experience.

We all have residue of completed Karma in our heart making us repeat the pain of that Karma on a lesser but ever present scale. That will be removed during this clearing.

If you are experiencing great anger or sadness, this clearing will greatly lower the strength of the emotions attached to it or remove the memory all together.

If you are feeling heavy and weighted down, it is not in your mind but your spine. This negativity got there through “cords” wrapped around you from people that you knowingly or unknowingly had negative relationships with. During this healing, those “cords” will be cut and the negativity released will not return.  (Most people actually feel lighter and taller after the “cord” cutting.)

A lot of healing will occur in your nerves/muscles/tendons and ligaments. You will feel this occurring. Any and all parts of your Soul that have been left behind in this or past lifetimes will be returned to you…strengthening you.

All you have to do is truly accept the Healing Energy, Love and Compassion of the One Creator of all…God the Father, with palms up visualizing a Golden Light. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones …a fresh start for a new you in a New Year!

John Butler – Minerals and Health-Related topics

John Butler, our own popular speaker, is a long time professional clairvoyant and dowser.  He is also a lifetime member of ASD.  John will cover, in depth, an understanding of the healing powers of minerals, plus other health-related topics.  John will have a table with products at the meeting.Invite your friends!


About Jere Welch
Jere F Welch worked 30 years for GE/Lockheed Martin/ITT in electronics/ quality control. He attended James Von Praagh’s Mediumship Class at the Omega Institute where James told him he was a healer.  At Omega he attended a class where Incas told of their healing methods which Jere combined with his own. Over a three year period at the Edgar Cayce Institute, he completed a Psychic Development Course. Jere got interested in dowsing for use in his treasure hunting/gold panning hobbies. Jere’s Heart Chakra Clearing and DNA Swapping protocols have proven to be powerful healing tools.


12/16/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Christmas Party

This month we are happy to host the annual Christmas party.  Doors will be open by 6 PM.  We do not ask for a donation at the door.  Our idea is to have an evening of enjoying each other’s company.

As far as food, this year we will not have a potluck dinner.  We will provide a platter of presliced subs, water, prepackaged snacks and single serving fruit, such as oranges.  We are not asking you to bring food.  However, if you feel you would like to bring something, please make sure it is prepackaged.

There will be a Christmas gift exchange for anyone interested.  Please bring a wrapped gift, new or “repurposed” for no more than $10.  Numbers will be drawn to choose a gift from the table.  This is NOT mandatory.  Several people have expressed interest in doing an exchange.

Suzanne Kotcher and Jini Cerio will present a short presentation on 4 specific pendulums—ISIS, OSIRIS, M & M, witness pendulums and how to dowse charts.  Please bring a pendulum of your own to dowse the charts.

Finally, to round out the evening, our member, Tracy Daggett, will take us on a Shamanic journey.  This will be a special treat!

If the weather is bad, please check your email.  We hope to have a notice of cancellation by 4 PM.  As always, please use your best judgment concerning driving to a meeting if you feel uneasy about the weather.

Looking forward to a wonderful evening!  It has been 2 years since our last Christmas gathering.

Peace, Light and best wishes for this holiday season!


11/18/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Alicja Aratyn – Scientific Dowsing – Scary or Fun?

From Atlantis, where healing with crystals was ruling, through Ancient Egypt with their fantastic knowledge called Sacred Geometry, to the modern times Europe and North America with discoveries of Quantum Physics, dowsing made a massive leap from self-discovery to Scientific Dowsing. As much as self-discovery is fine, we can learn a lot from our dowsing ancestors and modern scientists whose discoveries enhanced today’s dowsing immensely.  Isaac Newton said “I know more because I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors.” Join us for the lecture, where we will “connect the dots” regarding dowsing. Let’s talk about the evolution of shapes, their vibrations and their influence on today’s dowsing – especially healing with dowsing instruments. We will also talk about our brain – how it correlates with those shapes and tools and how we can influence it with our therapeutic pendulum. In this very visual class, Alicja will prove that the shape of your pendulums may advance your dowsing and enhance your healing abilities. We will see how modern dowsing strongly connects the past’s wisdom with current scientific achievements, i.e. how the theory of entanglement fits dowsing. Why is Zero Point Energy essential for dowsers to understand? As an engineer by background, Alicja will break down seemingly complex terms and concepts into simple to comprehend and assimilate – valid for every dowser’s knowledge. Let’s together explore dowsing from a scientific perspective, which will help us dowse correctly for everything our heart desires.


Here is the link to Alicja’s short video about her Thursday 10/18 presentation and Saturday 10/20 course:


November 20, 2021 online interactive course “The Perfect Match – GNM and Dowsing”   

The Perfect Match – GNM and Dowsing
Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 10 am – 2:30 pm

When people are suffering, the very first issue we need to address is FEAR! and PAIN! How can we, as dowsers, help? In this workshop, I would like to assist you during your own healing session. You will assess your health, understand your condition’s core issue, and heal it with a pendulum. With such a personal experience, you will be ready to help others effectively! We will begin with a little of human anatomy’s history: how we came to today’s body shape over millions of years and why. Understanding that part will bring us to a more in-depth exploration of our life cycles – I will teach you how to count them and what they mean. I am sure you will be surprised by what will uncover there! (It is not numerology, though!) We will look at your “life story”. To some degree, we all think we know our lives just because we went through all predicaments, and we remember how awful or devastating we felt! But, it does not mean we are done with it. You may be amazed how much you don’t know and understand YOU! Would you, please, choose the problem you want to solve – an emotional issue or physical condition? The choice is yours. Also – if you have a Therapeutic Pendulum, please have it handy. See you on Saturday, November 20 at 9:45 am when the virtual door opens for the course!

The structure of the course:

Part 1 (1 hour): Are You a Slave or a Master of Your Brain?
• Therapeutic pendulums – what it means and their functions in healing;
• Brain and its functions in regards to different germ layers;
• How and why do people get sick?
• Trauma, drama and solutions – what brain has to do with it?
• Pain and inflammation – their purpose and solutions.

Part 2 (1 hour): The Truth Shall Set You Free!
• The difference between male and female reactions to traumas;
• The influence of age on our emotional reactions;
• Life cycles – is there other than a Numerology way to view them?
• The role of our life cycles in deciphering health challenges;
• Practicing with developing your lifeline and establishing life cycles.

Break (20 min.)

Part 3 (1 hour): Why Our Energetic Systems Turns On or Off
• Respiratory system complications;
• Kidneys and water problems – how can we resolve them?
• Heart – are you tired of it all?
• Working with handouts provided

Part 4 (1 hour): Finishing Touch and Closing Comments
• Finishing work on Life Cycles
• Continuation of our work on handouts
• Q&A
• Final Remarks from Alicja


Alicja Aratyn – Biography
Alicja Aratyn is an Environmental Engineer and a Reverend travelling extensively worldwide to share ancient knowledge and bridging it with modern, cutting-edge scientific research. Born in Poland, she came to Canada to pursue her dream of increasing spiritual development away from political restrictions. The sickness of her son brought her to turning fascination into full-time work. Her ability to see energies, past lives and extraterrestrial influences helped many people from around the world. Phone #: 905-848-1233 e-mail: website:


10/21/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Linda Bloser – Numerology

Numerology is the study of the relationship between numbers and events and how this relationship affects each person’s life. Pythagoras was a 6th century Greek mathematician who developed a system of numerology. He believed numbers to be a measure of energy with the numbers 1 through 9 symbolizing nine cycles of human life by using a person’s date of birth and full birth name. This is done by simple addition (be sure to bring a calculator or your cell phone) using your birth date.  The letters of your full name as given on your birth certificate are converted into numbers and, of course, added together. If possible, be sure how your name appears on your birth certificate.

Numerology is used as a practical method to understand and balance your ATTRIBUTES and CHALLENGES. One of life’s most important lessons is how we choose to handle our challenges often allows our attributes to manifest. Even though they appear to be opposites, attributes and challenges work hand in hand with how your life evolves.

It will be an exciting, informative evening. Join us and invite your friends!  ___________________________________________________

About Linda Bloser
Linda Bloser has been interested in and studied the energy of “stuff” for about 30 years. For over 15 years, she interpreted the energy of color in people’s auras through her business, Aura Reflections. For the past few years, she has been facilitating classes in the Mohawk Valley Learning in Retirement program. She introduced classes in numerology two years ago and is now presenting “How to Listen to Your Body”, exploring the body’s innate ability through the use of dowsing modalities.


9/16/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Betty Ann Petkovsek – The Human Design

Have you ever wondered why there are some people you just connect with from the very first meeting?  Well, Human Design provides an explanation of these connections with others. It is a method of learning and knowing who you really are!

This system was intuitively received by Ra Urn Hu in 1987 and blends ancient systems of Astrology, Chakras, Kabballah and the I Ching. The presentation will highlight personal Types, Strategy Process, Authorities and Inner Types.  Through the basic information the Inner Types we will have added insights of how the pendulum works for personal guidance.

There will be an opportunity during the lecture to create your personal Human Design Chart with the use of a smart phone and requires your Birth City, Date and Time. Human Design offers a better understanding of how we operate and opens us up for a smoother path and enhanced relationships with others.


Private Sessions
Saturday, September 18th starting at 9am


About Betty Ann Petkovsek
Betty Ann became focused on her intuitive spirituality in 1991 and though her personal growth began publicly reading at area events in 2002. She is a Level II Reiki energy-worker and often integrates her work with Crystals, Tuning Forks, Bells and Singing Bowls. Her studies continued, and in 2008 she was certified in Feng Shui. She trained with Virginia (Kiki) Waldron in 2011 to be a Certified Consulting Hypnotist and then completed the Past Life Regression qualifications.

She became interested in Human Design through self-study in 2017 and completed a basic workshop. It became evident to Betty Ann the benefits of Human Design for her clients’ understanding. She now utilizes Human Design with her energy sessions to create the best personalized session for the client. Betty Ann has been engaged by Mohawk Valley Community College for study lectures at the Utica and Rome campuses. She has presented workshops and lectures for libraries, organizations and private groups.


8/19/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Rev. Carl Letson, Jr. – The Politics of Dowsing

Rev. Carl Letson, Jr., Co-Vice President of the American Association of Dowsers will talk about the politics of dowsing. As an introduction, Rev. Carl will discuss his background and how he came to embrace energy and spiritual healing for ourselves and the planet we live on.

Our Mother Earth is out of balance. The signs are all around us. Droughts, floods, wildfires, and more powerful storms are becoming more common as she heals herself and, we are expendable.

In the U.S and elsewhere authoritarianism is challenging democratic institutions. Radical evangelicals are attempting to assert themselves, challenge our Constitution and dictate how we should worship and live our lives. Religious tolerance is not part of their vocabulary.

At the same time church membership is dropping. More and more people are searching for alternative lifestyles which will help them live in harmony with Nature and foster their spiritual growth.

In the not so distance past, people who embraced and practiced alternative lifestyles which were opposed by authoritarians were tortured and killed for their beliefs. The Salem witch trials which began in the Spring of 1692 and the persecution of Native American Shamans, Medicine Men and Seers, which continued into the 20th Century, are stark reminders of what can happen here and elsewhere.

Dowsing, which has been practiced for thousands of years, was once called witchery. Dowsers were persecuted in the past and in today’s world they are denigrated because there is no proven scientific basis for it to be a viable tool. Its use threatens entrenched interests who would lose their economic positions of power and authority or prestige.

Yet dowsers can help mitigate the adverse environmental impacts facing us today and in the future. Enhanced public education of the viability of the use of dowsing, including visual examples of the efficacy of its use, expanded workshops to teach people how to use this valuable tool, and implementation of other public relations and marketing strategies are some of the ways to help ensure the growth and expansion of its use, here and abroad.

Thomas Edison was once asked how electricity works. He said he didn’t know but it works so let’s use it. We don’t have to know how it works. It does, so let’s use it.


Rev. Carl was born in Endicott, NY. His early spiritual learning experiences were in a fundamentalist Christian church. Rev. Carl earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University at Buffalo and a Master of Arts degree from Binghamton University. He worked extensively in the public sector with and on behalf of people with disabilities. He also worked in not-for-profit and private sectors providing services and products to help improve the quality of people’s lives.

Since he was a young boy, Rev. Carl received messages and guidance from what he describes as another dimension. When he retired from public service in 2011, Rev. Carl decided to explore his Native American heritage, spirituality, and his Christian beliefs. He attended ordination school at Fellowships of the Spirit in Cassadaiga, New York, receiving ordination as a Christian Spiritualist minister in 2014.

Rev. Carl has conducted hundreds of individual spiritual healing sessions as well as providing messages of healing from the spiritual dimension. He continues his study of Native American spiritualism and how it can help people find their true selves and contribute to returning Mother Earth to health.

In 2020 Rev. Carl was elected to the American Society of Dowsers Board of Trustees and presently serves as Co-Vice President. To lean more visit his website at


7/15/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Dr. Adhi Two Owls – Working With the Dowsing to Improve the Planet

The world is managing many different types of crises – from the climate changes to the technological changes that are part of this next leap forward. The question I have been asking for the last few years is: How is dowsing relevant to the next 100 years?

There are a few ways to approach this and these are the ones I talk about in this meeting:

1. How can we use dowsing to address climate concerns?
2. How can we use dowsing to improve health and awareness?
3. Updating the tools and methods of dowsing to meet the current needs


Workshop – Saturday, July 17th

9:30AM to 1:30PM (please arrive by 9:20AM)

Workshop is $55 & that includes the materials 

6 Useful New Techniques for Dowsing People, Places and Things… 

In this workshop participants of all dowsing skill levels can take away practical methods for improving their dowsing and exploring new ways of dowsing. Bring a pendulum and a bobber to the workshop. There will be a workshop packet of other materials that you will receive with the workshop. (Pre-registration is required.)

Some of the techniques we will cover are mitigating 5G, improving the immune system and functions, calibrating food and water to help bring the body into optimum resonance, techniques for permanently clearing attachments … etc….

Also, if anyone wants to pre-order Adhi’s new pendulums please call Jini for information and prices.

Workshop Location:
Fayetteville Village Town Hall – 3rd floor
425 East Genesee Street (Rte 5), Fayetteville, NY 13066
(Located in the village next to the Fayetteville Fire Dept.- Parking is behind the bldg – go to 1st traffic light after bldg – turn left on North Manlius Street and then in 100 ft turn left on Elm St – go past the back of the fire house into next parking lot  – you will see the words “Town Hall” on the brick bldg  – when you enter in go to the 3rd floor – there is an elevator and a stair case)

The link to Adhi’s info:

Dr. Adhi Two Owls
The New Global Shaman


6/17/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Elizabeth Wright – Our Energy Field and the Ascension Process

Join energy healer and teacher Elizabeth Wright as she presents how to work with and master our own energy field for our ascension process. Ascension refers to our rising up and embodying our Higher Self.
Everything is energy. Our energy field is comprised of our chakra system as well as our subtle body layers, and the main energy channel that runs from Source through us into the heart of mother earth. When we learn how to clear our energy field of other people’s stuff and work through our own issues, clearing our blocks and peeling back the layers of the false self, we begin to come more in to alignment with our Soul energy, our true self.
We are at unprecedented times on Earth with this shift into Satya yuga, the Age of Enlightenment. As the darkness comes up within us to be healed, we are shedding lifetimes of energetic debris, disentangling ourselves from the matrix and the dark web to unveil the core self, and the light within. To aid this process, it is valuable to understand how to manage our energy field so we can access our multidimensional self. As we build our light body, and raise our vibration, we can access higher consciousness. With greater awareness, we can make choices that are in alignment with our soul’s path and fulfill our highest potential in this lifetime.
Managing our energy field allows us to step into the driver’s seat of our lives so that we consciously create our reality. We can move out of the role of victim, where we perceive that life is happening to us and into the role of a co-creator, as was intended by The Creator. The choice is ours.
Bio for Beth Wright
Beth is passionate about helping people connect to their Higher Self and live from their heart center.
Beth was born in India, raised in Turkey and lived in Connecticut, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Colorado where she earned her BS in Journalism from the CU, Boulder in 1988. She lived in Sydney, Australia for 11 years where she had her dark night of the soul and awakening that set her on the path of becoming an energy healer in 2002.
Following this event, she earned her Advanced Certification in Vibrational Healing from the Australian Academy of Applied Parapsychology (AAAP), in Sydney in 2003.  She has been practicing Vibrational Energy Healing for 17 years and teaching for 10 years. Beth gained her yoga certification in Hatha Yoga in 2010, and is a certified Consulting Hypnotist since 2018.
Beth self-published a book about Vibrational Healing called “I & Eye, A Guide to Vibrational Healing and My Transformational Journey to the Light” and is available on Amazon. All of the practices and therapies she teaches, work toward growing the beautiful essence of our true self so we can reach our highest potential in our lifetime.


5/20/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Dr. Cruse Howe

We’re pleased to announce that Dr. Cruse Howe of Howe Chiropractic and Westside Wellness will be joining us to share an engaging talk:
“Is Inflammation the Common Denominator in Pain, Stiffness, and Disease? .. and is There a Strategy to Build Disease Resistance Every Day?”

Dr. Cruse is a second generation chiropractor who specializes in Physical and Functional Medicine.  He coaches patients every day, while he also works and speaks corporately here in Central New York.

Through his own inspiring story of traumatic injury he’s realized with simple day-to-day choices we all have a drug-free opportunity to reduce pain and inflammation, to enhance mobility, and to maximize our potential.

“Most folks don’t realize they’re feeding their pain – in our practice we see folks have that light-bulb moment every day – and it’s super exciting stuff.  If you think too much water has flowed under your bridge, think again, and by all means, be encouraged.  In our office the idea is to die young as late as possible.”

Join us for Dr. Cruse’s light-hearted and informative talk.  You’ll be glad you did.


4/15/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Medical Intuitive Updates with Aaron & Sue Singleton

Meet Sue Singleton, internationally renowned Medical Intuitive/Healer, and Aaron Singleton, Visionary Inventor and Founder of The Energy of Life Integrative and Intuitive Healing Process. The Singletons will share their latest inventions and techniques, as well as a Medical Intuitive perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines and how to resolve ongoing damage for yourself, your loved ones and clients.

About Sue & Aaron Singleton:
For nearly 30 years, Sue and Aaron Singleton have honed their skills and fine-tuned their intuition to help clients resolve a complex array of conditions using their exclusive Energy of Life (EOL) Tools for Transformation and Healing. Their vast experience with distant Energy Healing — and their consistent results for clients world-wide, including Asia, Europe, the U.K., etc. — has greatly increased demand for their unique alternative healing services.The long wait for personal sessions with Sue and Aaron has inspired them to offer these group sessions as an opportunity for people (clients and non-clients) to begin their healing process, or to cost-effectively supplement current sessions.


Then, on Saturday, April 17, the Singletons offered TWO half-day workshops:
Power Up Your Brain & Boost Your Memory!
Saturday, April 17th  9:30 am – 12:00 noon
at the Elks Lodge #2348   3730 Cold Springs Rd. Baldwinsville, NY 13027

If you:

  • have been diagnosed with, or have a family history of, some form of cognitive decline or dementia
  • have ever had any injury or surgery involving the head, sinuses, nose or teeth
  • have ever had injury or surgery to the neck or head


  • if you have a perfectly healthy brain and memory and want to maintain it

THIS HEALING IS FOR YOU!! Participate in-person OR remotely!

Repair the Bioplasmic Field: the DNA’s Computer Operating System
Saturday, April 17th 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
at the Elks Lodge #2348 3730 Cold Springs Rd. Baldwinsville, NY 13027

The BioPlasmic Field (BPF), functions like a computer operating system – storing critical information about bodily functions, cellular replication and cell death.


  • Why recognizing and correcting BPF issues is essential for complete healing
  • How the BPF relates to the aura, body and DNA
  • To evaluate and heal the bioplasmic field for yourself and others
  • The Singletons’ exclusive 10-Step BPF Protocol for repairing and correcting issues with the BPF, including how to re-connect, synchronize and align the bioplasmic field with various critical systems, including the chakras, glands, organs, and much more

You can sign up for one or both workshops. Pre-registration is required.
For more information or to pre-register go to:
Pre-registration is also available during our Thursday night meeting.


3/18/2021 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:

Lorri Mathewson – What is Biofield Tuning?

Biofield Tuning (also known as “sound balancing”) is a sound therapy method that works with the power of sound and the human biofield to help alleviate pain, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, emotional overwhelm, digestive issues, adrenal fatigue and more.

Biofield Tuning is based on the premise that the human biofield – the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies – is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories.

All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as “dissonance” in our energy fields.  Biofield Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.  As a practitioner, I simply find the noise and resistance in the biofield and stay with it until the body autocorrects. I will be showing how the process of Biofield tuning works and give a 20-minute demonstration to all whom attend the meeting.

Lorri Mathewson, RMT, LMT is a Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, Symphony of Sacred Sound Practitioner and a massage therapist.  She works at Life-Force Sanctuary on Thompson Road in Syracuse and also teaches massage therapy at the Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage here in Syracuse.


November & December 2020 and January & February 2021 Meetings
of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
were canceled.
10/15/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Medical Intuitive Insights with Aaron & Sue Singleton
Meet Sue Singleton, internationally renowned Medical Intuitive/Healer, and Aaron Singleton, Visionary Inventor and Founder of The Energy of Life Integrative and Intuitive Healing Process. Aaron and Sue will share COVID-19 updates, immune supportive strategies, and answer questions concerning health issues.

Visit and to learn more about the Singletons and their revolutionary healing techniques and tools.

About Sue & Aaron Singleton:
For nearly 30 years, Sue and Aaron Singleton have honed their skills and fine-tuned their intuition to help clients resolve a complex array of conditions using their exclusive Energy of Life (EOL) Tools for Transformation and Healing. Their vast experience with distant Energy Healing — and their consistent results for clients world-wide, including Asia, Europe, the U.K., etc. — has greatly increased demand for their unique alternative healing services.The long wait for personal sessions with Sue and Aaron has inspired them to offer these group sessions as an opportunity for people (clients and non-clients) to begin their healing process, or to cost-effectively supplement current sessions.

Power Up Your Brain & Clear Brain Fog to Prevent Dementia, with Sue & Aaron Singleton
on Friday, October 16th at the North Syracuse Community Center 9:30am – 12:00 noon

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 47.5 million people worldwide have dementia, which may be caused by a variety of diseases and injuries that affect the brain. The Singletons have discovered in the nearly 30 years of their practice that memory loss, dementia and brain fog may be caused by seemingly minor head injuries, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, electro-convulsive therapy, excessive salt or sugar intake, mercury, dehydration, toxic food additives (MSG, hydrolyzed protein, aspartame, sucralose), EMF sensitivity, hypothyroidism, food allergies, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and much more. Cleaning up the body and brain, and prevention of dementia is the best course of action! Although dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are complex conditions beyond the scope of this session, those who are suffering with them may also benefit.

TYPES of Memory Concerns to be addressed: Brain fog, memory loss, mental focus or clarity, Dementia/Alzheimer’s, decreased learning capacity, difficulty with comprehension.
Potential CAUSES to be Addressed: The above-named causes, shock, low oxygen, poor circulation, chemical and environmental toxins, drug residues, local and general anesthesia, EMF, X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI, Ultrasound, heavy metals, brain plaque, electric shocks, brain plaque, illness residues in the brain, and more.

Who Needs this Session? ANYONE who desires to improve/enhance their brain and memory function and improve their quality of life, as well as prevent dementia!

9/17/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Jeff Gregory – Exploring Chakras, Meridians, Supplements, and Energy Fields using Dowsing and Computer Programs

With the programs we can track imbalances in the body and see what is working and what is not. The programs are science based and not like an Aura reading. It is reading the energy field of each part of the body. If everything has its own frequency it can be tracked by  light and sound. Is disease really just being out of tune? Sometimes we have missing frequencies in the body which can lead to detrimental effects. By restoring the missing frequencies, it brings harmony back to the body. This will be a highly interactive class. Bring your pendulum to test the before and after results. We believe in the power of play and that learning should be a joyful experience.

Jeff Gregory has trained in many mind/body modalities over the past 25 years including multiple color, light, and sound therapies including gongs, crystal singing bowls and pyramids, Tibetan bowls, and tuning forks. He has taught classes and performed sound immersion experiences in many states. He draws on his years of study of dowsing, color, light and his experience as a Reiki Master, doing Lightbody activations and Applied Kinesiology.

Gong Immersion Workshop
on Friday, the 18th at the North Syracuse Community Center at 6PM 

Emotional Transformations during Gong Immersion by Yogi Bhajan

The gong impacts the body and its meridians. It releases blocks, reduces tension and stimulates circulation. The result of this is a reorganization of the emotional energy and feelings that are tied into the body structure. We hold attitudes toward our bodies and ourselves. These attitudes are recorded by habitual body postures. If the energy changes or the posture changes, there is an often an intense useful emotional flow in the body. During a gong meditation or during the relaxation afterwards some people may cry, feel weightless or laugh uncontrollably. Relax. The release of feelings is a normal process in Gong meditation.

The gong changes the feelings that are blocked by cutting the thoughts that sustain and recreate the feelings. As a person comes back to normal, they notice a great difference between their current bodily feelings and the ones they are used to.


8/20/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Alice Harwood: “The Care & Feeding of Heart, Consciousness, Will & Body Presentation”

How do you strengthen and nourish your complete Self? What is food for the heart, consciousness, will and body? What are the nutritional requirements to sustain and support spiritual development, emotional wisdom and mental clarity?

This presentation will explore these four symbiotic dimensions and the energetic attention and soul-food they require. Additionally, we will discuss the expanded chakra system, lightbody and merkaba, awaken new possibilities in meaningful ways for beneficial growth and activate individual empowerment.

There will be “recipes” to assist awareness of what real nourishment looks like for you and how the right choices can be rewarding and satisfying at every level. An enlightened menu happens gradually, as you become wiser, more awakened, aware and alive.

Alice Harwood is Executive Director of SPACE, Inc. (a 501(c)3 nonprofit spiritual, practical, artistic, creative education) in Chester, VT and became a Certified HeartMath® Trainer in 2012. She’s worked with many energy healers, including Deena Zalkind Spear, Bradley Nelson, Donna Eden & David Feinstein, and studied at the Arthur Findley College (Psychic Sciences and Mediumship) in England. A lifetime member of the ASD, Alice also served as president for the Living Waters Chapter for four years. She has presented at many ASD’s Annual National Conferences and is an engaging public speaker on a range of topics, such as: HeartMath® and Stress Reduction; Dowsing, Kinesiology & Geomancy; Ascension Symptoms and more.

“Who knew? You – new!” workshop on Friday, the 21st at the DeWitt Community Center from 5PM to 9 PM.

This workshop is about recognizing all of the connections that have brought you to where you are now. You will practice activating psychic impressions and work with your family (alive and in spirit). You will learn techniques to connect with your Higher Self and recognize new ways to act on insight you receive, empowering you in new and expansive ways.

Ancestral Clearing & Q17+ Energy Sessions were offered on Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd

Alice received Q17 Energy in the fall of 2018. Q17 is an energetic process to receive: “Consciously programmable quantum energetic frequencies of Unconditional Love from Source, as well as the question to all answers in connecting, harmonizing and recovering Multidimensional Aspects of Heart, Consciousness, Will & Body”

As a Q17 facilitator, Alice holds space for you to become aware of your blocks and participate in clearing them. This then creates more flow for subtle energies to balance Mind (consciousness/perception), Spirit (heart/soul), Will (motivation/purpose) and Body.

7/16/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter was canceled.

6/18/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Virtual ZOOM presentation

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:           
Aaron and Sue Singleton who will provide a ZOOM meeting on Health & a Group Healing

Sue and Aaron Singleton are pleased to Zoom-host the Greater Syracuse, NY Finger Lakes Region Dowsers meeting! Following a brief update from Chapter President Suzanne Kotcher and Jini Cerio, Sue and Aaron will present.

The Singletons will provide updated and helpful information and ways you can help yourself, clients and loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes FREE TOOLS you can begin using right away! They will then shift their focus and perform a mini Medical Intuitive Group Healing: Relax Your Mind and Body to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm.

Because it has been such a long time since the last chapter meeting took place, it will be great to re-connect VIRTUALLY!


March, April & May 2020 Meetings of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter were canceled.

2/20/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Jami Bisesi – Use of COLOR as a Healthy Therapy

At our next meeting on February 20, 2020 Jami Bisesi will be discussing the use of COLOR as a healthy therapy for self-healing and wellness. The presentation will address the history, theory and real-life applications to use on your journey toward peace and harmony. Color therapy tools, books and resources will be made available.

Jami teaches how to use Color with Intention to her clients one on one or at the Chakra Playshops that she holds locally and throughout New York. She is currently a Licensed Massage Therapist at the Manor in Baldwinsville and holds a Master of Science in Education and Expressive Arts Therapy.


1/16/2020 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Tao Huang – 15×15 Conception Decoding

We are all blessed to various degrees with both the gifts – and the curses of our ancestors.

After 33 years of study in this lifetime alone – and with assistance from great masters both living and channeled – Master Tao is pleased to guide us in decoding where in our bodies our most tethered ancestral essences reside. According to Tao – both our talents and our weaknesses are influenced by the specific ancestors whose souls were present at our conception for either their own investments or just to bless us. By understanding where in the body each ancestor lives, and how they affect us, we have an opportunity to gain awareness of our multi-dimensionality as the culmination of our bloodline. Tao’s 15×15 method is designed to give us an access point from which to be more consciously aware of the root causes of all matters in life without overly pathologizing us when sickness manifest and at the same time to accept the gifts of our ancestors while also healing ancestral wounds so as to ultimately claim our rightful health, freedom and sovereignty.

This is a very interesting concept that most of us have never heard. Come join us as we start 2020 off with this interesting information.


12/19/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

On Thursday, December 19th, everyone is welcome to attend our annual holiday party and dish-to-pass supper at the North Syracuse Community Center—700 South Bay Road, North Syracuse, 13212 (we meet upstairs but there is an elevator so the space is accessible to everyone).  We always have a great time visiting and enjoying each other’s company.  Your presence will make it that much more fun!

The party will start at 6 PM.  Feasting will begin around 6:30 PM.  Please bring a dish to pass and serving utensils, if necessary. The chapter will provide tableware, water and tea.

There will be a gift exchange if you would like to participate.  Bring a wrapped gift, around $10.  It can be new or it can be a regift in good condition.  It’s fun to see what everyone gets.

We will not have an official program.  However, Lorrie Mathewson and Bonny French will present a Sacred Symphony for Christmas. They will bring crystal and metal singing bowls, chimes and tuning forks. It will be wonderful!

There will not be a business meeting and we will not be asking for the usual $5 donation at the door.


11/21/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
John Butler – Clairvoyant and Dowser

One of our Chapter’s most popular speakers is back to give us more of his helpful and insightful information on the human energy systems, health, and other metaphysically related topics. The title of his talk is THINGS I’VE DOWSED & SEEN CLAIRVOYANTLY.

John will be discussing different things he has found that can be adversely affecting one’s physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as the environment that we are living in. A large number of topics will be covered about what can be affecting our health, or holding us back from growing and evolving in our lives. Different solutions will also be discussed.

Bio: John Butler is a Lifetime member of the American Society of Dowsers. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside people, and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East Coast”. John has traveled around the country presenting his discoveries – including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led to many valuable discoveries, and has attracted clients from all over North America.


10/17/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Mary Lichtenstein, EEM-AP
Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner 

Mary is joining us to discuss how we can use Energy Medicine for Adrenal Fatigue. She will discuss how stress plus emotions impact our adrenals.

How many of us grab that extra cup of coffee around 3 pm? We find our eyelids get heavier, the head starts bobbing and we just want to take a nap. We go home, go to bed early, and bam; we wake up at 2, 3 or 4 am exhausted! If this is increasingly happening, you may have adrenal fatigue.

According to the American Institute of Stress, as many as 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders. And to cope with these complaints, Americans alone consume five billion tranquilizers, five billion barbiturates, three billion amphetamines, and sixteen thousand tons of aspirin (not including ibuprofen and acetaminophen) every year. That doesn’t include all the other medications that are being taken for stress and other health related issues.

Medical science continues to make great strides in connecting external factors such as diet, lifestyle, and environment to our most serious diseases. We now take it for granted that high blood cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, and cigarettes are high-risk factors for heart disease. Yet, in over half of the new cases of heart disease, none of these risk factors are present. Having worked with many health conditions for over three decades, there are three things I have come to know for sure:

1. There is an underlying stress component,
2. There is an underlying emotional component, and
3. The body has an amazing resiliency to heal.

Without fail, time and time again, reducing stress and clearing emotions will begin to open the pathway for healing. So, join Mary to gain tools and knowledge to help you, your family and loved ones to offset Adrenal Fatigue. As Donna Eden says, “Energy medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down.

Mary Lichtenstein is an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Advanced Practitioner, EEM Foundations instructor, instructor for Energy Medicine 101/102, Reiki Master, certified PSYCH-K Facilitator, Registered Respiratory Therapist, teen health educator, minister, and youth volunteer. She holds a Bachelor of Science and has graduate training in Skillful Group Development: Facilitation and Conflict Management for High Performance (The Maxwell School, Syracuse University); Counseling and Interventions for Inter-sexed and Transgendered Persons; and Human Sexuality and Counseling (State University of New York, College at Oswego). Most importantly, she is a mother, grandmother and a woman that is enjoying the prime time of her life. She wants to share the tools that have empowered her!

On Mary’s journey of growth and healing, she embraced customized blends of time-honored and integrative energy arts techniques such as Aromatherapy, Eden Energy Medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, PSYCH-K, Reiki, and Shamanism. Her goal for all clients is to integrate an atmosphere of radiant harmony, health, and joy, so they can tap into their energies to begin and continue healing on all levels. Along with her intuitive gifts and more than 30 years of education and experience, she helps to empower her clients to engage the healer within.

For more information visit: 


9/19/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Madis Senner – Everything Has Karma and it Matters—A Lot  

We live in a world where everything has karma. Because of this we are constantly being shaped and influenced by the things we come in contact with; the places we visit; the organizations we belong to; what we eat, drink…In other words, we reap what others have sown and they can reap what we have sown. In many ways we are at the mercy of others.

Karma binds everyone and everything together. It helps make “Oneness” a reality.

Join Finger Lakes Dowser’s member and author Madis Senner as he discusses his latest book (out 9/23) Everything Has Karma: Learning to Embrace Our Interconnectedness. Senner will explain the mechanics of how karma works so that you will better understand why everything has karma and why it matters to you. There will be some broader discussion of living in a world where everything has karma. You will learn a few basic techniques for navigating your life in a world where everything has karma. One of which will be working with your dowsing device. So bring your L-rods and pendulums.

Karma has a profound influence upon your life and spiritual transformation.

Everything Has Karma has received several endorsements and reviews:

Everything Has Karma is powerfully effective: a well-researched, nicely referenced discussion of the bigger picture of karma. It is recommended for new age and spiritual readers.”
—Diane Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review.

“This book is a masterpiece.  Really!  Forget the usual treatment of tit-for-tat karma, the light/dark, curse/joy of it all.  Not here.  What you have instead is what Senner’s keen eye noticed – the interconnecting swirls of thought and action.”
—P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., and early researcher of the near-death-phenomena, author of Future Memory and more. PMH presented last May at Finger Lakes Dowsers.

Madis will have books for sale.
Don’t forget to please bring your L-rods and pendulums.

Madis Senner is former money manager turned Seeker. He has written numerous articles for the ASD Digest, Wisdom and others. He leads group meditations and teaches Earth Healing. He is a Keeper (watches over and takes care of) for several sacred sites. He is a member of the Finger Lakes Dowsers. Everything Has Karma is his fifth book. You can read his musings at


8/15/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Dr. Adhi Two Owls – Changing the Paradigm: Shamans, Dowsers and other Mischief-makers

In this talk Dr. Adhi will share the experiences and explorations she has discovered with her work in dowsing and shamanism. From the higher harmonic of gold to just dowsing gold she has spent the last 25 years looking at ways we can use our dowsing to solve real world problems. She will cover water, agricultural, emfs and the new 5g technologies that are soon to be on the market.Dr. Adhi has a hands-on approach to how she works in the world. Bring a pendulum, L rods and bobber if you have them. Let’s see what kind of magic we can make in the world.
Workshop – Saturday, August 17th 10 AM to 4 PM
Working with Plants, Animals and other Beings with Shamanic Techniques 
Jamesville Train Station, 6499 E. Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville (Jamesville Town Square)In this workshop, participants will learn how to connect and communicate with the natural world using the sounds of drums and rattles as well as hearing and seeing techniques. These techniques are 1,000 of years old and have been used by shamans and other medicine people all over the world. Dr. Adhi Two Owls has been practicing shamanism, dowsing, and other healing methods for almost 30 years. She brings a wealth of knowledge to inspire and awaken curiosity and deep connect to the world around us.Adhi will cover how to communicate with animals, plants and the mineral kingdom. Developing a practice with these beings can improve your dowsing, other spiritual healing, the environment and the world around us. Bring a pendulum, rattle or drum if you have them.

Adhi will also do private sessions on Friday, August 16th and Sunday, August 18th.

Dr. Adhi Moonien Two Owls is a trained Artist, Shaman and Healer. In her early formative years she trained in fine art. Her area of study was painting, sculpture and eventually moving into mixed media. Dr. Adhi studied at the Kansas City Art Institute in Kansas City Missouri. She is always seeking to explore ideas and sees the creative process as the means for propagating new ideas, evolving old ideas and developing healthy, cognitive, and emotional brain function.

Adhi received her Doctorate in Philosophy & Therapeutic Counseling from the Open University of Alternative Healing Sri Lanka in 2013 through their affiliate campus in Montreal Canada. She researched the effectiveness of traditional Indigenous healing on mental and physical health.

Dr. Adhi facilitates workshops on a variety of creative and spiritual subjects. She holds community study and practice groups, sacred tools making workshops, and healing circles. Sharing the wisdom is essential for growing communities and exchanging ideas.

Dr. Adhi has served a term as a Trustee board member for the American Society of Dowsers 2009-2013 and  served as president in 2015. She remains an active member teaching at local ASD chapters and their conferences. 


7/18/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
David Davis – The Spiritual Path and Where it is Taking Us 

David will talk about the spiritual path and where it is taking us. He’ll give a little history of Seven Rays Bookstore and the source of the material found in the book “Ten Gates Into the Garden, Spiritual Teachings for the Awakening Consciousness,” which he authored with Katrin Naumann. His talk varies – depending upon who is listening. He channels the Self which is always spontaneous. And he’ll also answer questions in the areas of metaphysics, esoterica, and the occult.
About the Book – 
“Ten Gates into the Garden: Spiritual Teachings for the Awakening Soul”
The garden is the garden of Eden, our first home. We now find ourselves outside, in the world. There is a path back in. The garden of Eden is within us. This book helps to unlock the many gates or limitations we have placed in the way. We begin with concentration and focus. We examine the soul and its nature. This leads to the laws of memory and the study of the Akashic record. We examine scientific prayer and the law of the triangle – how prayers work and how we get in the way of them working. There is an Astrological primer and lessons in numerology. The book also covers meditation, Kundalini, and the chakras. Finally, the book covers the end times, religion, and the Self.
About David
David stepped onto the Spiritual path in 1966, beginning his quest. A few years later, he became a Brother in The Holy Order of MANS, a new-age mystery school. During his seven years in the Order he studied all major religions, received mystical and occult training, and was initiated into the mysteries. When his training was complete, he moved to Syracuse and began Seven Rays Bookstore, running it for 28 years. While teaching classes at the store, he began The School of the New Light. Retiring from the store he now teaches and writes, having just completed “Ten Gates Into the Garden, Spiritual Teachings for the Awakening Consciousness,“ with Katrin Naumann. He is currently working on an expansive view of the Tarot and Kabbalah, called “The Unread Tarot”. He has just returned from a month long journey in Egypt where he entered the great Pyramid and visited many ancient temples. Having received so much in this life, he shares his Wisdom and experiences with all.
6/20/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Medical Intuition: It’s All in the Details with Aaron & Sue Singleton

Meet Sue Singleton, internationally renowned Medical Intuitive/Healer, and Aaron Singleton,Visionary Inventor and Founder of The Energy of Life Integrative and Intuitive Healing Process. Aaron and Sue will share case histories, demonstrate their intuitive and healing gifts, BioMorphic Geometry, and answer questions concerning health issues.

Friday, June 21st at 9:00 – 11:30 AM
Medical Intuitive Group Healing Experiential with Aaron & Sue Singleton


Aaron and Sue Singleton have the unique ability to work on hundreds of people simultaneously, both in-person and remotely, adjusting spinal and cranial bones, removing head traumas, detoxifying organs, calming the nerves, releasing pain and trauma, relieving migraines, sinus issues, repairing emotional hard-wiring, and much more!

This introductory group healing may provide helpful insights for healing your unique situation. Join the Singletons for an empowering opportunity to address YOUR Root Causes, including:

  • Trauma/injury from accidents (auto, bike, sports, etc.)
  • Falls (on the ice, down stairs, out of trees, etc.)
  • Surgeries, epidurals, and other invasive medical procedures
  • Trapped electricity (from e-stim, TENS device, etc.), Ultrasound or other forms of EMF
  • Strains and pulls, improper posture, spinal misalignments, scoliosis, etc.
  • Scar tissue and adhesions
  • Viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens
  • Stuck emotional patterns and blocked energy
  • And much more!

Become one of the many who have received spontaneous healing with Aaron and Sue! You don’t need to be ill or in pain to participate in this experiential. Simply relax, keep an open mind, and experience the ease, joy and fun of healing… Everyone receives the group healing. 

What is the Energy of Life® Integrative Healing Process?
The Energy of Life® (EOL) is the inspired healing process founded by Aaron Singleton that draws on Divine guidance and the activation of full cellular memory response within a client’s body during the energetic activation of The EOL Process. It is best described as a facilitated integrative self-healing process, which empowers the client to determine the physical, emotional or spiritual root cause of an illness/condition with the assistance of Aaron or Sue, as well as the specific course of treatment. The EOL Integrative Healing Process combines a large variety of techniques and modalities. The applied approaches are based on a client’s specific conditions and needs.

About Sue & Aaron Singleton:
For nearly 30 years, Sue and Aaron Singleton have honed their skills and fine-tuned their intuition to help clients resolve a complex array of conditions using their exclusive Energy of Life (EOL) Tools for Transformation and Healing.
Visit and to learn more about the Singletons and their revolutionary healing techniques and tools.


5/16/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presented:
Alicja Aratyn – Quantum Dowsing – Encoding the Mystery of Dowsing!    

  • What is Dowsing from Physics and Meta-physics point of view
  • Meditation vs. Contemplation and what they have in common with Dowsing
  • Nature and Natural Laws in respect to Dowsing
  • Colors and Vibrations in relation to human anatomy
  • The role of Negative Green in Dowsing
  • Remote Viewing and Dowsing
  • The relevance of Zero-point Energy to Dowsing.

In this very visual presentation we will examine the phenomena of dowsing from many points of view to re-discover the importance of this oldest divination modality.

Friday, May 17th at 6:30 – 9:30 PM
Dowsing, Forgotten Key to Success! by Alicja Aratyn

Many people who already dowse have problems with getting true answer. Why? Because not too many dowsing teachers know the real principal of dowsing. In this evening course you will discover:

  • The most effective ways of communicating with your subconscious, increasing your dowsing accuracy
  • Learn more about the how, when and where you should ask specific questions
  • Understand the difference between Mental and Intuitive dowsing
  • Therapeutic vs. basic pendulums – usage and applications
  • Gain a variety of tips and techniques as we delve into a range of topics related to our dowsing instruments.Join us for what is sure to be a most unusual evening!


4/18/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Cannabis & Hemp Oil: Products Made With it and the Health Benefits of it.
      Presented by Michael Phoenix Heart

Michael will talk about:

  • What is CBD and how is it different than THC
  • How CBD works and acts in your body
  • How to find a quality product that you can trust
  • Who CBD can help and how
  • The legalities and laws surrounding CBD
  • The many different ways to take CBD and how to effectively dose yourself
  • Q and A
  • And more…

Michael is a 3rd generation medium and an initiated shaman. He has attended schools for herbalism, massage therapy and psychology and continues to study academically in these and other related fields. He has studied anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, Chinese medicine theory, and ayurvedic medicine theory and many other modalities of healing, along with Qigong and various forms of energy medicine and shamanic healing techniques.

In the cannabis field Michael has worked out west in California in the recreational marijuana field and in New York State in the medical marijuana field. As a head grower he worked closely with techs, manufacturers, and scientists from seed-to-seal production of cannabis products containing both CBD and THC. Michael has friends in Oregon, Colorado, California and New York who are all in various corners of the cannabis industry.

He has also been independently studying and keeping up-to-date on the latest science, trends, economic and political information from all over the world.


3/21/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Flying Seed – a BioGenesis Master Tool of Creating
Presented by Randy (Bronson) Fiege & Janett Moody

This will be a special presentation of BioGenesis material discussing the following topics:

The Flying Seed Foundation and the Seeds of Creation and how you can benefit from this knowledge.

Personal Seeds

IAM    Inception-Appellation-Mission

Daily Seeds

Harmonics – Harmonic Location, Harmonic Relationships

Randy (Bronson) Fiege has over 14 years’ experience with the BioGenesis Tools and Technologies and is a BioGenesis practitioner. His studies include Master of the Art of Creating advanced level, Genesis Acceleration program in Boulder CO, Seat of Eternal Light in Honolulu HI, opening ceremony at the Western Gate of Knowledge in Los Angeles CA, and Master of the Tree of Genesis. He also attended the first ever Flying Seed Teacher Training course in Maui, Hawaii and the Teacher Trainer course at the Western Gate of Knowledge in Los Angeles CA. He and his wife, Cindy, hosted the BioGenesis Pearl of Star Light tour in Rochester, NY.

Janett Moody has been working with BioGenesis tools for 10 years including the Flying Seed, Song of the Sphere and Song of the Deep, in particular, to create the spin of “The Way”. She took a teacher training course in Hawaii that taught some ways of using such tools.


2/21/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Is it a good spirit or a bad spirit?

How open to spirits are you?? Do you hear unexplained noises? How can you tell if it is a good spirit or a bad spirit? Come see us on the 21st, and find out some answers! We would like to tell you about some of our past investigations, show you our equipment – what it’s used for and how to use it. Home cleansing, crystals, and protection advice offered. Bring us your questions… we will do our best to answer them.

Moonlight Paranormal –
was founded by us 7 years ago. We do private residential investigations and some public hunts. We also offer cleansings, reiki, medals and crystals as the situation dictates.

Mary Fay –
2nd level reiki and intuitive. I have been interested in all forms of divination and studied astrology from the age of 13. I also have knowledge of candle magic.

Martie Flynn Hannafan –
Hard working mother and wife. Her heart is gold and always volunteering to help others. Awesome seer and intuitive. Martie also earned a demonology degree. The greatest partner to have your back in an investigation.


1/17/19 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Let’s put Happy and Healthy into 2019 – A Presentation on Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine and more!

Sally Gewinner and Sheila Murphy (both are Chapter members, dowsers and energy workers) will give a presentation of Donna Eden’s (Energy Medicine) Daily Energy Routine. It will include background information on Donna Eden and information on the routine itself. Donna’s work is excellent for health and vitality. The routine itself is a five to ten minute series of exercises that boost and balance energy and vitality. Participants will be shown how to perform the exercises and given time to practice. Also, there will be time to ask questions.

After the presentation, if members would like to share their own tips for remaining grounded and healthy, the floor will be open. Just a few minutes to share or to talk about energy work, meditation, food tips, etc., that you do or find helpful would be wonderful to round out the evening. Let’s put Happy and Healthy into 2019. Join us for an evening of great information, a wonderful Daily Energy Routine, and any tips to share.


12/20/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212


On Thursday, December 20th, everyone is welcome to attend our annual holiday party and dish-to-pass supper at the North Syracuse Community Center—700 South Bay Road, North Syracuse, 13212 (we meet upstairs but there is an elevator so the space is accessible to everyone). We always have a great time visiting and enjoying each other’s company. Your presence will make it that much more fun!

The party will start at 6 PM. Feasting will begin around 6:30 PM. Please bring a dish to pass and serving utensils, if necessary. The chapter will provide tableware, water and tea.

There will be a gift exchange if you would like to participate. Bring a gift, wrapped, around $10. It can be new or it can be a regift in good condition. It’s fun to see what everyone gets.

We will not have an official program. However, Suzanne Kotcher will present a few dowsing tips from Raymon Grace’s material. Please bring a pendulum. If anyone present has a dowsing tip they would like to share, it would be appreciated.

There will not be a business meeting and we will not be asking for the usual $5 donation at the door. Your help is always appreciated. Suzanne will arrive by 5:30 PM. Please come early to help set up if you possibly can. Help will be needed with clean up too.


Canceled due to snow storm:
11/15/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter

Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers
presents: A special pre-holiday meeting – Tips for enjoying healthy,
happy and stress-free holidays.

Sally Gewinner and Sheila Murphy (both are Chapter members, dowsers and energy workers) will give a presentation of Donna Eden’s (Energy Medicine) Daily Energy Routine. It will include background information on Donna Eden and information on the routine itself. Donna’s work is excellent for health and vitality. The routine itself is a five to ten minute series of exercises that boost and balance energy and vitality. Participants will be shown how to perform the exercises and given time to practice. Also, there will be time to ask questions.

After the presentation, if members would like to share their own tips for remaining grounded and healthy, the floor will be open. Just a few minutes to share or to talk about energy work, meditation, food tips, etc., that you do or find helpful would be wonderful to round out the evening. Let’s put Happy and Healthy into our holidays. Join us for an evening of great information, a wonderful Daily Energy Routine, and any tips to share.


10/18/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Joanne Verone – Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER) Therapy and other forms of assisting with healing

An informative evening with Joanne Verone. Joanne presented about a medical device that helps to jump start the body’s own healing powers – the Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER) Therapy and other forms of assisting with healing.

Joanne Verone has a Chiropractic background and she is a NYS Licensed Massage Therapist. In 1985, she and her husband John opened the Delphi Healing Arts Center, the first Massage Center in Central New York. Joanne’s mission in life is to provide education about massage and other modalities for your health and well being. She was an instructor at the Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage. Recently, she became involved with the BEMER, a FDA Class 1 Medical Device. She has been amazed at what it is capable of doing for our body. Since she has been using the unit, she has more energy and clarity of thinking.

Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER) Therapy is a therapeutic modality that facilitates functional blood flow within the body. It does so by generating rhythmically defined energy signal which targets both systemic and local circulation systems within the body which helps to strengthen one’s organs, muscles and immune systems. These are natural signals that are generated by something as simple as exercise and general movement. BEMER improves micro-circulation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body cells which in turn favors the body’s own self-healing powers. The BEMER is safe to use on people of all ages – children, the elderly and even pets. The horse that won the Kentucky derby and triple crown used the BEMER Vet unit. Many athletes are using the BEMER and some football teams have a unit in the locker rooms.

The BEMER can make the world a better place by providing non-invasive technology. The BEMER technology is from Germany and manufactured in Switzerland. The BEMER has been used in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia for 20 years. It has been introduced in America for less than 10 years. Joanne is offering a demonstration on this B-pad which takes 8 minutes. The first thing people notice is increased energy unless you are very toxic, then you may need to rest. It is imperative that you drink Spring water before and after a session to help the body release toxins.

BEMER helps the flow of energy in your body. To schedule an appointment, call 315-243-9546.

Here are some YouTube sites to view for more information: URL (The role of BEMER therapy in blood flow) (BEMER Therapy and Essential Oils) (BEMER therapy for tissue regeneration)

9/20/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Lynn Walker – Change Your Life by Changing Your Thoughts

An informative evening with healer and teacher Lynn Walker about how you can change your life in 5 minutes by changing your thoughts.

Lynn is an internationally acclaimed healer and teacher from Montreal Canada. She is an ordained spiritual minister with the International Temple of Spiritual Revelations in Montreal and also ordained in the Sanctuary of the Beloved, New York. Lynn is a Reiki master, Hypnotherapist and Results Instructor and has 3 years of nursing experience. Lynn has been healing for 25 years and has many documented miraculous healings. She has taught and performed healing exchanges with doctors in Venezuela and France, with people in Egypt and Greece and with Tibetan monks in India. Besides teaching in private homes and centers around the world, Lynn Walker has taught at the National Federation of Healers of America, Celebrate Life Conference (Hawaii), Hawkeye Medical College (Iowa), Order of Melchizadek Conference (New York), Unity Church (North Carolina), Spiritual Church/Temple Heights (Maine). Lynn has lectured and taught for the Dowser Association in both Canada and United States.

Lynn will be traveling with Malcolm Speirs. Malcolm is a gifted Psychic Medium with over 40 year’s of experience. He is a natural born clairvoyant and medium. He easily connects with guides and loved ones. Using the Results System, he has helped thousands clear negative traits and blocks through emotional release. Malcolm has worked at numerous spiritual camps and Churches as well as other conventions as a psychic reader. He is also a spiritual teacher, healer and councilor, results facilitator and hypnotherapist.

Lynn and Malcolm are incredible healers and mediums. We had the opportunity to experience their craft at the ASD Convention and the results were great! So take advantage to experience their talents while they are in Syracuse .

8/16/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Zac Hansen – The Great Shift, 2018 & Beyond, and Pioneering a Harmonic Humanity

From Zac: “In this presentation I will share my unique insights, intuition, and wisdom about humanities evolution beyond the shift and the journey of how they came to be. I will give you affirmation on your path and understanding of humanities current undertaking in Its conscious evolution”

“I have been kickin’ it around the cosmos for a very long time. I feel it in my bones. I’m back, again, cos-playing the human game with my +1 mind of forgetfulness to experience the eternal punchline of self-realization one more time. Consciously Awesome co-founder, Fractal Illumination co-creator” – “The Four Assumptions” co-creator, and Reiki Master Zac Hansen.
“You can find more information on my websites:

7/19/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Jeff Gregory – Human Tuning and Sound Health

In this presentation we will be using dowsing and muscle testing (kinesiology) to find beneficial and non-beneficial energies and there location for the human body. We will be testing the following: earthing, geopathic stress, light and sound using the mind. Sometimes we have missing musical notes in the body which can lead to detrimental effects. In a simple 5 minute test, Jeff can now check the body by doing a voice analysis and find the missing notes. Missing notes relate to certain symptoms and parts of the body. By restoring the missing frequencies it brings harmony back into the body. Jeff also uses vibroacoustic therapy in which one lays on a vibroacoustic table and playing the missing notes will help restore them in the body. It feels wonderful, like a gentile massage, leaving you relaxed and refreshed. Both the voice analysis and vibroacoustic therapy have been in use for over 20 years! Jeff will also be talking about PEMF therapy, PandoraStar light journeys and cold laser therapies to improve your health. Bring your pendulum as everyone will receive a chart to measure the level of light that people and places contain. The higher the level of light the healthier and beneficial it is.
Jeff Gregory has trained in many mind/body modalities over the past 25 years including multiple color, light, and sound therapies as well as gongs, crystal singing bowls, pyramids, Tibetan bowls, and tuning forks. He has taught classes and performed sound immersion experiences throughout the North Eastern United States. He draws on his years of study of dowsing, color, light and his experience as a Reiki Master, doing Lightbody activations and Applied Kinesiology. He believes in the power of play and that learning should be a fun, joyful experience.
You can access his website here:

5/17/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Dr. P. M. H. Atwater L.H.D. – The “Mind Mirror Project”

The talk will be about the Mind Mirror Project once engaged in by the American Society of Dowsers, and written up in The American Dowser Digest, February, 1983. Dr. Edith Jurka, M.D., Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, conducted tests on brainwave patterns of seven gifted dowsers on a sophisticated electroencephalograph called the “Mind Mirror.” Her testing showed that dowsers when in the “dowsing mode” had wide amplitude beta and delta voltages with an alpha peak. Yet she also found that this unusual pattern could be found with dowsers not only while performing their dowsing skill, but also during normal conversation. She referred to this as the “Fifth State” pattern.

Today, we know so much more about this fifth state pattern and about Gamma Brainwaves (the higher state past Beta). Judith Pennington has gone on to do remarkable things with Mind Mirror research. What she and others have found touches on and effects every dowser, every near-death experiencer, everyone who has undergone a transformation of consciousness (no matter the cause). This talk covers not only the Fifth State Brainwave pattern and what it implies (wide awake while sound asleep), but also synesthesia (multiple sensing) and electrical sensitivity. Bring note paper. You’ll want to write a lot of things down, especially about electrical sensitivity during storms and such.

P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D. is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978. She has written sixteen books on the subject. “Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story” wraps up her early work with over 4,000 adult and child experiencers of near-death states, while further exploring her theory about transformations of consciousness, a theory she first began to investigate in 1966 back in her home state of Idaho. Some of her findings in the near-death field have been verified in clinical studies, among them the prospective study done in Holland and published in Lancet Medical Journal, 12-15-01. Her “The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences” brought the entire field of near-death studies up-to-date worldwide, and was featured in an online version of Newsweek Magazine; her “The New Children and Near-States States” presented new findings about child experiencers. “Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience” stands alone as a major summary of thousands of experiencer voices – their words, their truth, their wisdom.

In 2005, she was awarded the Outstanding Service Award from the International Association For Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH), as well as an honorary Ph.D. from a school in Sri Lanka. In 2010, she was also awarded the Nancy E. Bush Award for Literary Excellence and the Lifetime Achievement and Special Services Award, both from IANDS. She has presented her findings for many organizations and schools, including twice at the United Nations, and as a guest on such TV shows as Geraldo, Regis and Kathie Lee, Larry King Live, Sally Jessy Raphael, and Entertainment Tonight. She has been a guest on hundreds of radio shows, including several with George Noory, and one with Art Bell. Her books have been published in over 12 countries. In April 2018, she won the 2017 Silver Nautilus Award in honor of her recent book “A Manual for Developing Humans” – for offering a potent and powerful message for today’s world.

A generational researcher as well, she summarized the changes now occurring in the human race in “Children of the Fifth World: A Guide to the Coming Changes in Human Consciousness” and “Beyond the Indigo Children”. Her own story as an experiencer of near-death states – “I Died Three Times in 1977 – The Complete Story” – is available at She became a researcher in the field of near-death studies because of what she was told to do during her third NDE, by a voice she came to call The Voice Like None Other. That Voice also told her to write three specific books. The first was not named (could have been “Coming Back to Life”), the second is “Future Memory,” the third “A Manual for Developing Humans” (which recently won the Silver Nautilus Award). A prayer chaplain, visionary counselor, wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, her website is filled with many services and features, among them The Marketplace – where near-death experiencers and those like them can promote their products and services without any charge to them. Her monthly newsletters are free to those who sign up on To explore her visionary/intuitive talents access “Sessions” on her website. A major study of the smallest NDE experiencers is now in progress.

4/19/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Aime “Trent” Millet – Dowsing, Intentional Devices and Connection; the Basis of Radionics

Radionics requires 3 things: the ability to dowse, set intention and the awareness of focused connection with a “target”. In this presentation we will cover these natural abilities and the use of simple intentional devices one can create and play with to practice these skills. We’ll share how we use dowsing and intention, consciously and unconsciously already. How these have been applied in combination with tools, objects to hold, broadcast and enhanced intention. Devices of intention can be as simple as candles, small containers or outlines and as complex as multi-level radionics units able to work on many levels efficiently and very precisely. The purpose of this presentation is to allow you to move on to radionics with understanding and knowledge, having practiced that which is needed to choose and operate the units an increasing number of dowsers are becoming more familiar with.
We’ll look at the various devices developed to send color, energy, gem and homeopathic essences, planetary, astro and runic energies to specific targets and how to develop your own devices or intentional diagrams. We will cover the ability to analyze any area or target like land, garden, person or animal and any location or organ relative to function and need.
Aime “Trent” Millet is president of the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers, teaches dowsing and radionics, and does informational lectures and workshops on water nationwide. He holds a certificate in Bio-Harmonics. He is considered an expert on the healing properties of water and also does workshops on “Radionics”, “Intentional Healing and Healing Devices”, as well as “Actualizing and Using Intention”. He developed the “Optic-Phonic” system of communicating with water. He does presentations, classes and one-on-one sessions on sound, color and voice therapy, labyrinth and chakra therapy, counseling and coaching for personal, business and relationship enhancement. Trent does informational tours of the mineral water of Saratoga. He trains people in the use and design of intentional and radionics devices for the home, garden and first aid. He has taught personal and group radionics classes for 25 years starting with the use of intentional devices geared to progressing students to full radionics qualification.

3/15/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Suzanne Masters – “Faster EFT”

Suzanne Masters will be offering a talk on “Faster EFT”’ or Emotional Freedom Technique for all kinds of stress relief, fears, grief, phobias… Try it on everything including relationships and even weight loss. Its all about the mind and how we create our personal perceptions. We will perform a group session so that you can get a feel for how it works.
She will also offer information on the benefits of yoga and do a meditation as she is beginning her new endeavor teaching yoga.
Suzanne is a Reiki Master, FEFT/tapping practitioner, artist including spirit paintings and messages as well as yoga teacher.

2/15/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

John Butler – How to Clear for Dowsing and Other Activities

Our Chapter is pleased to announce one of our most popular speakers will be back in February to give another of his informative lectures.
John is going to first talk about what he sees clairvoyantly going on at different energetic levels when people are dowsing. Then he will explain some of the reasons he has found why some people are getting incorrect answers. Then he will give 8 different techniques on how to easily increase one’s dowsing accuracy 30% or more.

Many of his techniques can be used to enhance whatever one is trying to accomplish in their daily activities. The rest of the lecture will be open to ask questions on any other topics of interest.

John is a lifetime member of ASD. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside of people, and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East coast”. John has traveled the nation to present his discoveries – including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led him to many valuable discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America.

1/18/18 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Tom Meade – Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids

In September Tom Meade toured the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, home to the world’s tallest pyramid at a height of over 220 meters, with the author, Kathleen McGowan. Dr. Sam Osmanagich found and has excavated these sites. Learn how old they are and how they were built, also why they were built and their healing powers. Bosnia, unlike Egypt and Mexico, is not about artifacts, money or gold, but energy and power, which is still available today. You’ll also see why the current beliefs of mainstream archeologists don’t accept these as real pyramids or the thousands of others that exist worldwide. How do these sites relate to the work of Nicholas Tesla and the Coral Castle in Florida? Experience the amazing spiritual background of Bosnia, the “Megalithic City”, and ancient stone spheres.
Tom Meade, a holistic practitioner from Endicott, NY, is a dowser, practicing EFT, L.I.F.E. Systems bio-feedback, Reconnective Healing, the Reconnection and the use of healing tools. Tom has been teaching dowsing, EFT, and Reconnective Healing for as long as 20 years. He has spoken on several topics at various venues including the ASD annual conference. His office is at 421 E. Main St., Endicott , NY. He can be reached at or 607 343-7124.

12/21/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Annual Holiday Party with Show and Tell or just Show

On Thursday, December 21st, everyone is welcome to attend our annual holiday party and dish-to-pass supper at the North Syracuse Community Center — 700 South Bay Road, North Syracuse, 13212 (we meet upstairs but there is an elevator so the space is accessible to everyone).  We always have a great time visiting and enjoying each others company.  Your presence will make it that much more fun!

There will be a gift exchange if you would like to participate.  Bring a gift, wrapped, around $10.  It can be new or it can be a regift in good condition.  It’s fun to see what everyone gets.

All of us use pendulums but no one really knows what everyone uses or has.  We thought it would be fun to bring your favorite pendulum(s), rods, etc.  It can be one thing or a couple.  If you are shy, you can just say—“This is what I use”.  For those of who aren’t, show what you use and how you like to use it.  It can be a wonderful way for all of us to share what we do.  This could be a great way to incorporate dowsing at the party, to learn from each other and to see so many different types of dowsing tools.

11/16/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Christina Lynn Whited – Animal Mysticism

Our pets can truly be magical beings; they can help us to heal, lead us to extraordinary experiences, and talk to us. Sometimes our pets have the souls of lost loved ones, sometimes the soul of a guardian, and sometimes they are an alien in fur or feathers. Other times they are simply an animal. Bring photos of your pets, living or dead, and Christina will channel information on the origin of the spirit of the animal, on odd behavior patterns, and in some cases on health issues. It is a fascinating topic that makes for a very lively evening of energy exploration.

10/19/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Joan Cerio – Your Heart of Hearts

Your heart is more than just a physical pump: It is your hardwired connection to Source. In this lecture, you will learn about the other physical functions of the heart as well as the metaphysical, the special place in the heart I call the sacred coordinate, and the heart’s physical role in enlightenment.

The focus of Joan’s work is to assist humanity in its awakening. She uses her intuitive and visionary abilities along with her scientific background to offer answers to life’s greatest questions. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Master of Science degree in Science Education from Syracuse University. Joan has worked in the health and healing professions for over thirty years as a nurse’s aide, EKG technician, medical laboratory technician, medical assistant, massage therapist, Reiki Master, and intuitive sound healer. She taught secondary science, Reiki, and massage therapy.

Each of her three books builds upon the previous one. Her first book, In the Key of Life: An Activational Journey to the Soul, is a series of inspired writings with accompanying sacred geometry drawings to help the reader break limiting thought patterns and beliefs to realize the truth of who they are. The teachings in her second book, Hardwired to Heaven: Download Your Divinity Through Your Heart and Create Your Deepest Desires from Findhorn Press, are centered around the heart and its importance to enlightenment and creativity. Into the Heart of Love: Decoding Love’s Hidden Power is the natural progression from Hardwired to Heaven.

She is the founder of Coeuressence School of Self-Mastery based on her first book through which she taught numerous metaphysical workshops across the country. Her ability to bridge the worlds of science and spirituality make her a popular speaker, workshop facilitator, and radio show guest.

For more information about Joan and her work, go to

9/21/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Cheryl Costa – UFO Activity Nationally and Locally

Cheryl Costa will be presenting about UFO activity both Nationally and specifically for New York State and Onondaga County.

Cheryl is best known locally as the Syracuse New Times columnist of “New York Skies”, a weekly blog about UFOs in the Empire State. She is an Air Force and Navy veteran. She is retired from a 32 year career in Information Security within the aerospace industry. She is considered an expert on UFO Statistics.

8/17/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

John Butler – Clairvoyant’s Guide to Physical Health

Dowsing charts and protocols will be shown on determining the causes, blocks, and solutions to all kinds of physical health problems. The four biggest, little known, causes to many different health problems will be discussed. The three primary causes to prostate cancer will be covered. John will also discuss what he has seen clairvoyantly on every client who has had breast cancer. A large variety of other topics will also be covered.

John is a lifetime member of ASD. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside of people, and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East coast”. John has traveled the nation to present his discoveries – including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led him to many valuable discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America.

7/21/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Sharing of the ASD conference in Saratoga Springs

Many members of the ASD Fingerlakes Chapter either presented or attended the conference and reported about their experience and what new technics they learned.

7/15/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
No meeting that month as the ASD Conference was held in Saratoga Springs

5/18/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Tom DiFerdinando – Wilhelm Reich: Discoveries and Solutions for Health and Humanity in a Sick World

Tom DiFerdinando is a bodywork therapist with 30 years of experience. He has at the same time studied the life energy science of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, using Reich’s discoveries to shape and develop an innovative and comprehensive hands-on approach to pain, injury, stress and trauma. While Dr. Reich is well known, exactly what he discovered is not. Despite being one of the most remarkable scientists in history, he was also one of the most persecuted. To this day, 60 years after his death in prison and a 1956 FDA court-ordered burning of his scientific books and journals, Reich’s discoveries about subjects as wide-ranging as the non-reproductive role of sex in health; cancer; the origins of life; the life energy itself; emotional armoring; the relationship between emotion and the autonomic nervous system; atmospheric physics and weather dynamics; the formation of galaxies and man’s energetic roots in nature; have all, to varying degrees, been ignored, omitted, distorted or viciously attacked in both popular culture and the halls of official science. In this presentation, Tom will discuss all of these discoveries, their interconnected relationship to a handful of basic orgone (life) energy functions, and their relevance to psychosocial, biological and environmental problems that mainstream science continues to this day to stumble over and wrestle with, this, despite the fact that Reich made his discoveries well over half a century ago.

4/20/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Dr. Adhi Two Owls – Training the Mind: Techniques from Shamans to enhance your dowsing experience

Dr. Adhi Two Owls is a favorite presenter at our Chapter. Her lectures are interesting, lively and informative. In this lecture Dr. Adhi Two Owls will share some of the ways she uses her shaman training to improve her dowsing. Shamans are diviners of a different path yet they access the same knowledge base as dowsers. Utilizing these techniques can improve the correction and diagnostic protocols of dowsing practices. You will learn useful information you can use right away to explore better dowsing applications.

Dr. Adhi will cover the brain states the mind goes into for dowsing and Shamanic practice, how to do an awake journey, how to use your pendulum for accessing brain states and information and we will take a short journey to experience the affects of this work.

Bring a pendulum..

About our Presenter:
Dr Adhi Two Owls is a trained Shaman and healer. Her formal background is in fine art. Her area of study was painting, sculpture and eventually moving into Mixed Media. Adhi studied at the Kansas City Art Institute in Kansas City Missouri. She also has a Doctorate degree in Therapeutic Counseling from the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines, Sri Lanka. Other areas of study include the earth and natural sciences, Physics and Astronomy. Esoteric studies include: Tibetan Buddhism and its related meditation practices, Western Spiritual practices and the causes of Magick and Alchemy, Qi Gong and meditation and Chinese medicine, Sacred Geometry, Egyptian Biogeometry, Radiesthesia (vibrational dowsing), Medical Radiesthesia, and Map Dowsing for water and minerals.

Adhi has spent the last 20 years studying the design, function and uses of sacred objects as they are found all over the world. She uses these ancient sciences and designs to develop contemporary objects that meet the needs of today’s community and energy challenges.

Adhi facilitates workshops on a variety of creative and spiritual subjects. She lectures on the scientific aspects of dowsing/radiesthesia, Shamanism and other esoteric practices. Adhi designs and invents products to help people navigate the energy patterns in their lives. She holds community Shaman study groups and healing circles.

She has been a teacher at summer youth Enchantment camps in Vermont where she encourages exploration, science and creativity as a magical experience.

She has served as a Trustee board member and President for the American Society of Dowsers. Her professional vision is of building healthy communities grounded in the practical application of spiritual principles, creative experience/thought, and Scientific observation/exploration. She offers private sessions in person as well as remotely, and teaches all over the world.

3/16/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Kay and Eric Inglin – Biofield Tuning

Eric and Kay Inglin will explain and demonstrate Biofield Tuning, the work of Eileen McKusick. Biofield Tuning is a simple, non-medical therapeutic practice that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks to resolve energetic imbalances in the biomagnetic field that surrounds the human body. They will discuss the vibrational nature of your being. You’ll learn how and why sound can re-harmonize cells and repair damage caused by disruptive frequencies you’ve encountered in the course of living your life. They will share examples of how Biofield Tuning has helped people overcome emotional and physical problems. They will demonstrate Biofield Tuning methods and will offer a group session for attendees interested in experiencing this practice. More information about Biofield Tuning can be found at

Eric Inglin is originally from the French-speaking region of Switzerland. He has a diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Zurich (ETH). He began his quest for understanding things spiritual and metaphysical in 2006 after attending a Biogenesis workshop. He was introduced to dowsing in 2007. He is particularly interested in the techniques and practices of Raymon Grace. Kay Inglin grew-up in Northern California. She has a degree in Natural Resource Management from Humboldt State University. She has been a seeker of metaphysical knowledge for over 40 years. She is a level II Reiki practitioner and a Dowser since 2007. Both Eric and Kay have taken Level I and Level II training in Biofield Tuning with Eileen McKusick and will complete their training to become Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioners in April of 2017. They are members the America Society of Dowsers. Kay is Past-President and Eric is the current Vice-President of ASD’s Finger Lakes Chapter.

2/16/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Terry Bruneau – Polarity Therapy

Join us for interactive discussion of what Polarity Therapy is, why and how it works… what happens in our bodies as we physically process stress, new understandings of what really goes on in our bodies… your “hormone bank account”… the “chord” of your life… is it beautiful or might it be tuned a bit and how?

Terry Bruneau is a Family Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of experience in women’s health care, she is also an Associate Polarity Therapy Practitioner, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, an herbalist, reflexologist and has many years of experience working with and teaching a variety of energy healing modalities. Her goal is to empower those she works with to find their own well-being by supporting whatever path they choose

1/19/17 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Madis Senner – Charged Ley Lines, Ancient Knowledge that Raises Consciousness

Learn about the technology ancient cultures employed millennia ago to charge Ley Lines (Spirit Lines). These Charged Ley Lines would electrify ceremonial areas and enhance the spiritual and ecstatic experiences of visiting pilgrims. Watch a PowerPoint presentation of a few dozen of the thousands of Charged Ley Lines in upstate NY, of Manitou Stones and Charged stones and more.

Basic instruction will be provided on:
How to find and what to look for to locate Charged Ley Lines
How to Charge Ley Lines to electrify your home, or any space
Some basic Earth Healing Techniques on working with Ley Lines

A group meditation will be held on a Ley Line to experience the power of a Charged Ley Line.

Madis was in the process of completing his book on sacred sites last fall when he happened upon a charged Ley Line that jolted him. For over fifteen years he has been searching for sacred sites and Ley Lines and he had never noticed a Charged Ley Line before. He put his book on hold, investigated and included information on Charged Ley Lines in his book: “Sacred Sites in North Star Country, Places in Greater NYS That Changed the World” which will be available for purchase.

Madis Senner is a member of the Finger Lakes Dowser and has spoken at the convention on numerous times. His is a Keeper for several sacred sites. Sacred Sites in North Star Country is his fourth book.

10/20/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Christina Lynn Whited – Spiritual Detox

Christina specializes in clearing the Akashic Records of each person’s soul of blocks and trauma. In the course of our many lifetimes we have often chosen educational experiences that left deep wounds within, areas and perceptions that remain unforgiven. Through the steps of the process called Spiritual Detox those wounds can be readily healed without the necessity of probing deeply.

Originally four steps, Spiritual Detox now contains many more aspects and can be done in any order according to the needs of the client. It also encompasses the clearing of trauma in this life, from conception forward.

After explaining the process, Christina will clear one instance of past life trauma for each of the attendees. The first twenty people to sign up will be cleared at the end of the talk; the remainder will be done later remotely.

10/21/16 – Christina Lynn Whited – Healing the Energetic Meridians through Dowsing

The ancient Chinese system of acupuncture is the basis of this work. Using a pendulum and guided by your intuition, you will learn to identify breaks, bubbles, diminishments, etc., in the body’s system of meridians. Surgery is the biggest reason for the dysfunction of meridians, but others will be discussed as well. Christina will teach you how to repair the anomalies and test the resulting flow of energy. Basic knowledge of dowsing is needed.

10/22/16 – Christina Lynn Whited led a field trip – Inter-Dimensional Photography Field Trip to Chittenango Falls

Through her deep alignment with the Good People, aka the Faeries, Christina has connected with the Faeries who live at Chittenango Falls. They have graciously invited us to photograph them on Saturday night. In honor of this sacred inter-dimensional bridging of worlds, they have planned a party. Faerie delegations from a fifty mile radius have been invited, as well as some special friends. There will be plenty of phenomena showing up in the photos. Bring a fully charged phone and a camera with a flash if you can, with spare batteries. Portals of this nature tend to deplete the energy of the batteries, although phones recover when leaving the area.

9/15/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Dorinne S. Davis – The Davis Model of Sound Intervention®: Sound Changing Learning, Developmental and Wellness Imbalances

Dorinne Davis will present information about The Davis Model of Sound Intervention®–its development, how it is used, and how it promotes personal self-healing. By using specifically identified sound-based therapies from a proprietary test battery, individuals begin the process of balancing the harmonic sound resonance between their voice, ear and brain. The subtle energy system identified by Ms. Davis is vital to each person’s ability to function in every day life—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The possible changes impact so many areas and include language, social connectedness, emotional responses, vestibular and balance issues, sensory stimulation, and so much more. For those already in balance, Ms. Davis shares her new technique called Ototoning for how to stay in balance.

Dorinne S. Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA, is the developer of The Davis Model of Sound Intervention® and considered the world’s leading sound-based therapist. She has semi-retired to the Syracuse area and is continuing to work with clients on a limited basis while developing her process further. She is the author of 5 books, most notably: Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy® (hailed as the primer for all sound therapies) and The Cycle of Sound: A Missing Energetic Link (introducing new ideas in the field of sound and energy vibrational medicine)—second edition printed Dec 2015. She has demonstrated the scientific principles behind the Voice-Ear-Brain Connection in The Davis Addendum® to The Tomatis Effect, introduced this Voice-Ear-Brain Connection at the ISSSEEM conference in 2011 as a previously unidentified subtle energy system, and established The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy® from which her Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®) provides the correct administration of any sound-based therapy. Her patented Ototoner will provide individuals with their ‘sound key note’—the note that their body wants in that moment in time to self-heal. Ms. Davis is credentialed in 21 different sound-based therapies and her background as an audiologist, educator and sound therapist provides the foundation to The Davis Model of Sound Intervention®. She began The Davis Center in 1992 in NJ and has worked with thousands of people from around the world, young and old, learning challenged and normal, making change with their response to sound using sound-based therapies. With her semi-retirement, she will only be offering her DETP® and two of the therapies which deal with wellness—BioAcoustics and Cymatherapy® and refer to practitioners trained in other needed sound-based therapies to ensure that change will occur. Websites discussing her work are and

8/18/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Christina Lynn Whited – Photographing the Fifth Dimension

Photographing the Fifth Dimension
Several times each year Christina takes a group of students to a New Jersey portal and introduces them to inter-dimensional photography. As a group initiation, the experience attunes each participant to the process of photographing the fifth dimension, that level of being that is all around us, yet remains largely unseen.

The photos of the students, both of the portal and of other places, tell an amazing story of inter-dimensional as well as intergalactic love and support for the people of the earth and for the earth itself. Christina’s gift of channeling, awakened through dowsing, enables her to be able to describe the images in detail – in other-worldly terms.

With approximately 100 photos in the presentation, a broad overview of recorded phenomena is both enlightening and challenging. These are not photos of graveyards or amorphous misty shapes of the fourth dimension. These are glimpses of the other side and realities beyond our own.

During this 2 hour presentation there will be time for questions and answers.

Christina Lynn Whited has been channeling for over twenty years. She first came to national attention when People Magazine discovered that she was receiving advice from the late James Beard for cookbook based upon an intuitive diet she channeled. Now, with a clientele around the world, she is best known for her work channeling Mother Mary and for Spiritual Detox, including Soul Path Clearance, the work she performs which clears long-held past life pains for her clients.

A popular speaker on such far ranging topics as Inter-dimensional Photography, Animal Mysticism, Past Lives, Ghosts, Energy Healing, and Dowsing, Whited has spoken at numerous national conventions, at libraries and to community groups, and taught in Adult Education venues. She recently became the first recipient of the Explore Life in 5D Grant from Growing Consciousness.

She lives in Western New Jersey where she heads The Circle of Intention School of Intuitive Sciences as well as The Church of All Creation. She can be reached via her website at

7/21/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Convention Report

Many Finger Lakes Chapter members attended the ASD Convention on June 17th, 18th and 19th in Saratoga Springs NY. Some were very involved either as speakers like our John Butler, Tom Mead, Jeff Gregory and Madis Senner or as organizers with Jennifer Anderson (Convention Chair) and Barbara Guzik (volunteer Chair, assistant to the Convention Chair). They did the heavy lifting to make this Convention a success. Volunteers like Kay & Eric Inglin setup the Water for Humanity raffle and the Convention reception. To all a big thank you from all of us. It was a great convention in a great setting.

This coming meeting, we will line-up Convention participants to share their experiences and more. It is likely that the Convention will be held in Saratoga Springs again next year, just a skip away from Syracuse. If you were not able to participate this year but want to hear first hand what others experienced, don’t miss this next meeting.

If your are interested in ordering a CD or DVD from any of the lectures and workshops from the Convention, see this link:

5/20/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Trout Rogers – The Physics of Dowsing – How and why we Access Information through Dowsing

Trout began working with natural health and vitality in 1996, when he helped create and manage an organic farm in Washington state. There he studied sustainable agriculture and learned about nutrition from the ground up. He moved to New Mexico in 1998 where he became active with the local food cooperative, as well as a local radio station. In 2003 he began his education at the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, where he taught for more than eight years.

His gift for teaching made him an extremely popular instructor, receiving consistently positive feedback and many dozens testimonials. His classes have ranged from physical to energetic, always with great results, while students often cited his instruction and the positive aspect of an abundant education. Graduates regularly sat in on his classes, and offered to assist. Everyone wanted to know how this works!

More and more, Trout’s results and unique skills earned him a reputation for being ‘psychic’ or ‘clairvoyant’. He was ‘seeing’ aspects of a person that were well beyond the physical. He was getting information about emotional and mental patterns, past relationships and accidents. He was learning to access multiple layers of a person, which was giving him the opportunity for deeper access of all kinds.

This ability is not unique to Trout. We all have some vision of it, and is has been called many things. No matter the name, it can be practiced and improved.

Eventually, Trout found that there was an explanation for these abilities, and he began teaching others how to honor and achieve their own gifts. He found that there was a way to describe things like intuition, manifestation and the laws of healing. Even the most outrageous and unexplainable events could be described with physics.

Check out Trout’s website at

Spend an informative evening with Trout Rogers as we learn about the physics of dowsing.

4/21/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Jeffrey Gregory – Raising Your Vibration

Sound Health, Raising and Maintaining your Vibration – As the vibration of the earth rises it is important to raise your vibration with the earth to maintain harmony within the mind and body. We will start with a demonstration using Dowsing and Muscle testing to show before and after results. This can be used to show results of all healing modalities. One of the highest vibrational techniques is Light Body Activation. We will do a demonstration of this process. There will be a discussion on Scalar energy products to assist in maintaining our vibration and protect us from Electro Magnetic Frequencies. Bring your cell phones so we can test before and after results. We will finish with a Sound Immersion of three large gongs, crystal singing pyramids, bowls and Koshi chimes. These can produce immediate results as shown in the Aura picture below. Bring mats or blankets if you would like to lay down.

The picture on the left is before a gong session. Notice how the Chakras are out of balance. Both over active and under active. The picture on the right is after having the 40″ Gong played on them for one minute. The chakras are now balanced and the aura color has changed. Please make sure you are grounded before leaving as the Gong can produce altered states. Also drink plenty of water as the Gongs can detoxify the blood. See before and after pictures of the blood on the short video clip on our website.

JEFF GREGORY trained in many different mind body modalities over the last 20 years in multiple sound therapies including gongs, crystal singing bowls, pyramids and tuning forks. He has performed sound immersion experiences in hospitals and for people in several states. He also draws on his years of study of color and light and his experience as a Reiki Master, doing Light Body Activations, and Applied Kinesiology.

3/17/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Madis Senner – Facilitating Coming Earth Changes

Change is in the air, you can see it everywhere. Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party; The rise of Trump and Sanders. The Arab spring ignited the Middle East. Progressive Chris Hedges’ latest book Wages of Rebellion talks of revolution. Astrologers tell of us Pluto is in Capricorn, a 240 cycle that last brought us the American Revolution, before that the Reformation. Others talk of the birth of an even larger cycle, the Age of Aquarius.

We in upstate NY can help insure that these changes are positive and consciousness raising by understanding the role Mother Earth will play in the process and working with Her.

Ever since we began recording the history of North America Upstate NY has played a critical role in transforming the world. The Haudenosaunee prophet the Peacemaker gave us The Great Law of Peace (Onondaga Lake) that influenced our Founders. The Woman’s movement was born here, it is the home to America’s Second Great Awakening. Upstate NY has been called the Burned-over District for the spiritual wildfires that burned here, North Star Country for the many freedom seekers that came here escaping slavery. Religions were born here—Spiritualism, Shakers, Seven Day Adventism, and Theosophy. It is the birthplace of the New Age Movement that is eclipsing the world’s religions.

All of these things happened in upstate because it contains a special aspect of Mother Earth—Her Soul. All of the great leaders and prophets that came from upstate lived in close proximity to a part of Her soul, Fields of Consciousness.

Learn about the sacred sites in upstate where Fields are located and how they can play a role in transforming our collective consciousness and how you can fortify them and in the process nourish your soul.

Learn about some of the more interesting Ley Lines in our area.

Learn a simple Earth Healing technique that you can use to heal your neighborhood and be part of the positive change.

Please bring your L-rods.

Madis Senner is former money manager turned Seeker. He has written numerous articles for the ASD Digest, Wisdom and others. He leads group meditations and teaches Earth Healing. He is a Keeper for several sacred sites. Much of the material will be from his fourth book Sacred Sites in North Star Country that teaches how Mother Earth interconnects us and details places in greater NYS that changed the world. He is a member of the Finger Lakes Dowsers. You can read his musings at, or learn about Mother Earth at his website,

2/18/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Dr. Stephen Wechsler
Dr. Steve, as his patients call him, is a graduate of Palmer School of Chiropractic and has been in private practice in Syracuse, NY for over 25 years.
His love for knowledge and health brought him to India to study Ayurveda, a sister science of Yoga as well as Spiritual matters. Breaking free of a speech impediment in 1988 at a transformational seminar, Dr. Steve went on to host many live radio and television shows as well as teach chiropractic, and Ayurvedic seminars throughout the world.

From a recent car accident resulting in injury and surgery, Dr. Steve has discovered healing with LIGHT from LED, and Cold Laser to increase the velocity of healing of the body.

Dr. Steve is very involved in his community through weekly Spiritual Gatherings and Volunteer work as a Chiropractor and Adaptive Ski instructor as well as a community event organizer.

Dr. Steve will discuss the topics of:

  • “You are Light, Sound, and Vibration”
  • Spinal Meditation as a healing tool for self healing and healing of others
  • Principles of Ayurveda and the Pulse Analysis

1/21/16 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Jere Welch – Map Dowsing
In the January meeting Jere Welch offered an exploration of map dowsing. Jere discussed the history of early navigation. He demonstrated the use of a hand-held GPS unit. He also lead us in an exercise to determine the location of a missing person in Syracuse. John Butler assisted Jere with the map dowsing portion of the talk. At the end of Jere’s talk John gave a brief overview of his up coming talk about parasites.

Jere F. Welch – Has been dowsing for over 50 years and has been speaking to the public about dowsing since the 1970’s. He has used his dowsing skills to help law enforcement locate missing persons and had an article published in the ASD Digest on locating missing people.

12/17/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Annual Holiday Party
On Thursday December 17th, everyone is welcome to attend our annual holiday party and dish-to-pass supper at the North Syracuse Community Center – 700 South Bay Road, North Syracuse 13212 (we meet upstairs but there is an elevator so the space is accessible to everyone). We always have a great time visiting and enjoying each others company and your presence will make it that much more fun!

The party will start at 6:00 PM. Feasting will begin around 6:30 PM. After our meal, we will join together to create a Holy-Grail Vortex with intention setting.

Bring a dish-to-pass, including serving utensils – the chapter will provide plates, eating utensils, and coffee, tea and water.

Please bring something to contribute to a silent auction for the benefit of the “Water for Humanity” (WFH). In 1991 the Water for Humanity Fund was established within the American Society of Dowsers to provide funding for water resources development, purification, protection and conservation worldwide in areas of critical need. The goal in each case is to increase water resources in terms of quality, quantity and accessibility. Its second purpose is to demonstrate the practical and humanitarian application of dowsing and to establish credibility for the art, to find out more about Water for Humanity and their mission visit

Your auction contribution can be anything – new or used. The bidding competition is usually intense for metaphysical items. Last year the auction brought out the good-natured competitive spirit in many members and we had lots of laughs. It really is a lot of fun! Every item found a new home last year. Please bring cash to pay for your winning auction bids because we cannot process checks or credit cards.

We will not be collecting our usual $5 door fee.

Your help is always appreciated. Suzanne will arrive by 5:30 PM. Please come early to help set-up if you possibly can. Help will be needed with clean up too.

Call Suzanne at 315-622-9668 or on her cell during the day at 315-382-5139 if you have any questions or if you’d like to volunteer to help with preparation

11/19/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

John Butler – Killing Bacterial and Viral Infections
One of the dowsing Chapter’s most popular speakers has agreed to share with everybody his thirty plus years searching for ways to prevent and also treat bacterial and viral infections. The colds and flues that people get today seem to be worse and stronger than ever. Some of the reasons why will be discussed. Plus, information will be given on why our immune systems have such a hard time fighting today’s modern infections. Numerous safe ways will be given on how to fight these life-threatening pathogens.

Many psychics and professional remote viewers feel we are heading into a future world of very powerful super-bugs. To have this knowledge on how to fight these pathogens could be critical, and even life-saving in the future.

John is a lifetime member of ASD. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside of people, and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East coast”. John has traveled the nation to present his discoveries – including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led him to many valuable discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America.

10/15/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Rev. Alicja Aratyn (M. Eng. MD) – What We Are Talking About When We Are Talking Spirituality

Alicja will change your life forever as she has for thousands of others around the world. Over last 20 years she teaches, leads and inspires as well as heals and consults to help people bring their lives to the next level of awareness. As a natural born healer she shares her gift generously.

Many difficulties in her personal life before and after immigrating to Canada in 1991 led her to creation of Alicja Center of Well-Being based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Despite her professional training in Environmental Engineering form Poland, she dedicated her life to Metaphysics and Esotherism. As all good teachers do, she started with transforming her own life, so now she bases her classes and one-on-one practice not only on Ancient Egyptian School of Vibrations but mostly on her first-hand experience with many alternative modalities. She received Doctorate of Metaphysics from European School of Naturopathy Medicine.

In Seminars Alicja uses the newest Accelerated Learning Techniques, which allow people to increase retention of knowledge. Her classes are always well attended due to unique composition of knowledge, wisdom and sense of humor.

Alicja is a past Vice President of Canadian Society of Dowsers, CSD Ambassador and for years Presenter on American Society of Dowsers. She holds Doctorate of Metaphysics.

Alicja Centre of Well-Being offers the largest on the net variety of Metaphysical tools.

To learn more about Alicja’s private sessions and seminars, or call: (905) 848-1233.


In 1980’s majority of us got fascinated with New Age. New Age, New Possibilities, New Vocabulary. In the case of vocabulary subject is highly questionable, since it is not really new. But often it is highly confusing. Many teachers and spiritual leaders of New Age use their “golden mouth” to talk about simple topics using extremely complicated vocabulary without giving or encouraging people to look at their meaning. Some definitions are purposely misleading for our spiritual community to be rejected by mainstream people. Why? Because in most cases we do not fully know and understand what we are talking about when we try to communicate with others about our passion to spirituality. But it doesn’t have to stay this way.

We invite you to the evening of understanding our vocabulary (at least an important part of it). We will talk about general spirituality and dowsing as a meaningful part of it. Dowsing has a lot longer and fascinating history then New Age. How did it then happen that our vocabulary got infected as well?

Some of topics we will talk about:

Why, How and When we use Matrix? Its meaning in respect to Spiritual Development
Why should we increase our Personal Vibrations? What does it really means? True reason for it
The influence of Personal Vibrations on our Spiritual Development
Why Alternative Medicine practitioners aren’t allowed to diagnose?
The difference between Inability and Ignorance
Why people are afraid of “Occult”?
Truth vs. Perception

At the very first place: Why knowing all this is important to us?
Bring your questions and concerns…

Join us for the evening of true understanding. We can get through to people from outside of our spiritual community. The only thing we need is to be able to communicate with them clearly and precisely. It starts with YOU and me… Let’s begin the process…

9/17/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Virginia R. Waldron (CH, CI) – Soul Journeys – Exploring The Afterlife

Virginia’s presentation explores The Interim State of Existence, the Afterlife: “Where are we when we are not incarnated in a human body? What kind of experiences do we have when we are in the spiritual realms? What about guides, soul family, soul mates? If we are co-creators in our Life Plan or Blue Print for each lifetime, how does this process happen?”

This class is based on the work of Dr. Michael Newton, author of “Journey of Souls” and “Destiny of Souls”. It also includes some of the wisdom and information available through the books by Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Kenneth Ring, Bruce Goldberg, and others who focus their research on Near Death Experiences. Dr. Newton focused his more than 40 years of work on exploring what we, as soul beings, experience when we are not in a human incarnation.

Virginia is certified in Dr. Newton’s techniques, known as “Life Between Lives Regression”. She has worked with clients since 2004 using these very powerful and unique techniques, and will share what she has learned through many Life Between Lives Regressions about what happens to our soul when we leave the frail human body behind!

Virginia is the Director of The RoseHeart Center, in East Syracuse, where she works privately with clients, and also teaches classes and workshops. Virginia offers professional level training programs for Hypnosis (through the NGH), and Past Life Regression. She also offers classes and workshops in self-hypnosis, meditation, reincarnation & past lives, spirit guides, angelology and the Akashic Records at the RoseHeart Center, as well as at local libraries and at continuing education programs such as OCM-BOCES and OASIS, throughout the Central New York area. To find out more about RoseHeart, and all the other practitioners and classes that are found there, go to

8/20/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

John Butler – Dare To Prepare

Remote viewing is a special psychic technique where people are able to perceive people, places and events beyond what a person’s physical eyes are able to see. This technique can also be used to perceive past, present and future events. John is going to talk about what a team of professional remote viewers saw when they looked for significant events that are going to happen in the near term future. These significant events are going to affect us locally, nationally, and globally. John will then talk about how to prepare for them.

A lot of people are predicting man-made and natural disasters in the near-term future. John has been studying this subject for over 20 years. His clairvoyant visions and dowsing have guided him in determining the most important things to have on hand when these events happen. Information will be given on a large variety of topics – how to prepare for an Ebola-type pandemic, a financial crisis, a Hurricane Sandy, long-term power grid failures, massive food shortages, radioactive fallout.

John is a lifetime member of ASD. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside of people, and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East coast”. John has traveled the nation to present his discoveries – including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led him to many valuable discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America.

7/16/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Carol Oschmann – Changes Dreams Bring To Your Life

Carol Oschmann is an author, lecturer, and past regional director for the International Association for the Study of Dreams ( She is also a national award winner from the National Association of American Pen Women for her book “Prison Dreams” ( Born in Rochester, NY she is now residing in Sun City Center, FL were she lives and studies the dream experience since 1985.
She is a grandmother and great-grandmother and grew up to be a bookkeeper, not a dreamer. Disaster struck in 1985. She picked up an Edgar Cayce book on dreams in order to understand her nightmares and experienced a spiritual experience that changed her life in several ways. “God does have a plan for each of us and you are much happier on His plan”.
Carol will be with us on Thursday, July 16th to tell her story, the following changes in her life, and the healings that took place within the first year: “Change is certain and good!”. She will also share the changes in the lives of the inmates of a prison where she volunteered her Thursday nights for three years, teaching the women to find self-worth by understanding the right way to interpret their dreams.

6/18/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Review of the ASD Convention in Lyndonville Vermont

The ASD Convention in Lyndonville Vermont was just a week ago and, at this month’s meeting, we want to share with you what we learned and experienced during that week-end. Suzanne Kotcher our president, John Butler our treasurer, Jini Cirio our program coordinator as well as Tim Hart member of the FLD had the opportunity to travel to Vermont and participate in the many classes that were offered. They will review what they learned and share their experiences from that week-end.

And some noteworthy information from the Convention: Adhi Two Owls guest speaker at out last meeting has been elected president of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) and out past vice-President Jennifer Anderson has been elected member of the board of the ASD. We wish them much success in their new function.

5/21/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Dr. Adhi Moonien Two Owls – Shamanism, Dowsing, Technology and Science…

Adhi is a trained Shaman and healer. Her formal background is in fine art. Her area of study was painting, sculpture and eventually moving into Mixed Media. Adhi studied at the Kansas City Art Institute in Kansas City Missouri. She also has a Doctorate degree in Therapeutic Counseling from the Open International University for Complimentary Medicines, Sri Lanka. Other areas of study include the earth and natural sciences, Physics and Astronomy. Esoteric studies include: Tibetan Buddhism and its related meditation practices, Western Spiritual practices and the causes of Magick and Alchemy, Qi Gong and meditation and Chinese medicine, Sacred Geometry, Egyptian Biogeometry, Radiesthesia (vibrational dowsing), Medical Radiesthesia, and Map Dowsing for water and minerals.

Adhi has spent the last 20 years studying the design, function and uses of sacred objects as they are found all over the world. She uses these ancient sciences and designs to develop contemporary objects that meet the needs of today’s community and energy challenges.

Adhi facilitates workshops on a variety of creative and spiritual subjects. She lectures on the scientific aspects of dowsing/radiesthesia, Shamanism and other esoteric practices. Adhi designs and invents products to help people navigate the energy patterns in their lives. She holds community Shaman study groups and healing circles.

For the past 3 years Adhi has been a teacher at summer youth Enchantment camps in Vermont where she encourages exploration, science and creativity as a magical experience.

She has served a 4 year term as a Trustee board member for the American Society of Dowsers 2009-2013 and currently is on the board until June. Her professional vision is of building healthy communities grounded in the practical application of spiritual principles, creative experience/thought, and Scientific observation/exploration. She offers private sessions in person as well as remotely, and teaches all over the world.

On Thursday, Adhi will be speaking about Shamanism, Dowsing, Technology and Science…
Come and take a trippy ride along the merging worlds of Shamanism, dowsing and science. Adhi will explain ways these seemingly separate worlds are actually coming closer and closer as we discover more about our world. You will learn to use your cell phone or smartphone as a healing device… How to use the digital image as a more efficient witness for dowsing and clearing… How to use you smart device as a dowsing tool and make corrections via apps and programs on your smart device; AND much more…

Learn how to slow down the loss of life force in organic materials
Learn how to make your smart phone a healing tool
Learn how to make healing symbols that came transform your life and the planet

4/16/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Tom Meade – Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Tom is a teacher, coach, successful business man and holistic practitioner. He has been a mentor to many. His mentors have been Raymond Grace, Harold McCoy, “Mo” Wheeler and our own John Butler. He has been teaching EFT for the last 14 years and has been practicing it for the last 7 years in his holistic business. Tom has a B.Ed from the University of Miami and a M.S. from Ithaca College.

Tom will be talking about Emotional Freedom Technique which is an emotional version of acupuncture without the needles. You stimulate well established meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your finger tips, while verbalizing first the negative aspect of your issue, followed by the positive one you want. Practically all physical illnesses and dis-eases have an emotional basis to them. While many people are always looking for physical healings you will not get better till the emotional issues are first resolved. EFT can do this.

You will learn how to tap, what to say and know when an issue is resolved. You will learn why it doesn’t work and how to avoid those areas. You will learn how to get by stumbling blocks. Most of all “YOU” will heal yourself. You will go home with the tools to do this yourself. EFT is, certainly, one of the best healing modalities. Some areas covered will be:

  • The Greatest Secret
  • What is negative thought
  • The Law of Attraction and How to properly use it
  • How to protect yourself from negative influences
  • How to cancel negative thoughts
  • What is F.E.A.R. and how to avoid it
  • Choking and how to avoid it. How to escape your comfort zone
  • How dowsing plays a part in EFT

3/19/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Madis Senner – Space Matters Learn how the Environment Influences us and how to work with it

Our environment has a tremendous influence upon us and is shaped by our thoughts and actions; both for the good and the bad. Speaking to NPR psychologist David Neal said that when people “perform a behavior a lot — especially in the same environment, same sort of physical setting — outsource the control of the behavior to the environment.”

Learn how you can shape your environment and use it to your advantage. Bring your L-Rods as you will learn about, and dowse for imprints/memories/samskaras. Material presented will be from Madis’ upcoming book Vortices and Spirals, Unlocking the Mystery of Our Dynamic Relationship with Mother Earth.

Madis Senner, is a former Wall Street global money manager turned seeker. His website educates about Mother Earth’s subtle body and our dynamic relationship with her, as well as a listing of sacred sites in upstate NY where he believes Mother Earth’s soul resides. Vortices and Spirals, Unlocking the Our Dynamic Relationship with Mother Earth is his third book.

2/19/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Tom DiFerdinando – Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone “Life” Energy: Healing Insights from a Bodywork Practice

Tom DiFerdinando has been a bodyworker for over 25 years. He has developed a unique and highly effective hands-on approach to pain, injury, stress and trauma based upon the orgonomic (life energy) science of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. In this presentation, Tom will discuss the biophysical, cosmic and life energetic discoveries of Reich, clarifying the true nature of this energy; also, how these discoveries have been integrated into Tom’s bodywork practice. The presentation will help to both clarify and demystify common misconceptions about the life energy, with an emphasis upon its relationship to the healing process.

10 Minutes YouTube video on Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy:

Link to reference material provided by Tom.

1/20/15 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

John Butler and Jere Welch – Map Dowsing

John will show you how to map dowse and will give you methods to improve your dowsing accuracy by a factor of 30%. John does Map Dowsing for mining companies and is a life time member of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), a regular speaker at ASD conventions and an international presenter on the subject of dowsing.

Jere will show you how to go from your map to a field location using special, easy to use, map tools and GPS. Jere had an article published in the ASD Journal on “Dowsing for Missing People”. He learned his Map Dowsing from a Master Dowser and author. Note: This Master Dowser was able to locate a woman’s missing granddaughter through Map Dowsing. From his home in Atlanta, he pinpointed a location in San Francisco where the child was being held. With his help, they saved the child and broke up a child smuggling ring that was abducting children and sending them to the Middle East.

Map Dowsing is not just for finding missing people or locating treasure. You can use it to find the best place to live or vacation. It can also be used to find planting locations, water wells, septic tanks, buying a home, choosing a hotel… The uses are limitless.

For search practice we will locate:
– Fort Knox…is the gold still there?
– A missing person
– A giant quartz crystal deposit near Syracuse
– A positive energy vortex near Syracuse

12/18/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

We held our traditional Holidays celebration.

11/20/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Jini Cerio – Emotion/Body Code

Our speaker for this month will be Jini Cerio. She will be speaking on the Emotion/Body Code. Jini is a certified Holistic Health practitioner and a certified Emotion Code practitioner.

Realize that your health does not deteriorate because of aging. The emotions trapped in weak areas of your body are the cause of health deterioration. If these emotions are not released, they will build over time and cause dis-ease. Jini will demonstrate the Emotion/Body Code techniques applying them to participants who would like to release some of their trapped emotions. She uses dowsing to find the blocked emotions and the age at which they became trapped in the body. Dowsing helps her to narrow in on what caused the emotions to become blocked so that they can be released for good.

Jini is a Reiki master, 2nd level Karuna. She has been trained in crystal healing, Ama-Deus energy healing, Polarity Therapy, Pranic healing energy, Biogenesis tools, several levels of dowsing with pendulums for healing treatments.

Webpage relating to Body Code:

10/16/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Video Presentation Mary Hardy – “Healing The Planet With Pyramid Energy, Crop Circles and Orbs”
by Mary Hardy with Gayle Mack and Patty Greer

This 58 minute video discusses Mary and her associates’ work with pyramids, crop circles and the Holy Grail Vortex to assist in healing the planet. Mary is a multifaceted teacher who is dedicated to spreading knowledge and working with guidance for healing. At the end of the video we will set an intention and perform the Holy Grail Vortex as a group. Handouts will be given to enable you to use the Holy Grail Vortex in your own work.

Rev. Mary Hardy is a writer, teacher, herbalist and servant in the process of bringing a new consciousness to the planet. She has a PhD in Homeopathy from the Missouri College of Naturopathic Physicians and a BA in Education from Western Michigan. She has written two Books, THE ALCHEMIST’S HANDBOOK TO HOMEOPATHY and PYRAMID ENERGY: THE PHILOSOPHY OF GOD, THE SCIENCE OF MAN. Mary is a member of the Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire, an expert on pyramids and crop circles and a longtime speaker and presenter at the ASD Conventions. She hosts a convention every year in July at her home in Allegan, MI. Her website is

About Mary Hardy on her website. Mary Hardy has written 2 books:

  • The Alchemist’s Handbook of Homeopathy (Amazon)
  • Pyramid Energy: The Philosophy of God, the Science of Man (Amazon)

About Gayle Mark on her website and the Holy Grail Vortex as a spiritual tool

Patty Greer’s website. Patty has participated in the filming of may crop circle movies (Amazon and YouTube)

9/18/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Bill Getz is a Professional Dowser who has 60 years of experience locating over 1300 ‘good’ water sites for wells. He specializes in determining quality of water veins,hazards at the drilling site such as crevices, caves, sulfur, salt, iron, gas,etc. He has also used dowsing to locate utility lines, gardening. energy fields, entities, archaeology and his own well being. He is a member of the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers, a Life Member of ASD, teaches the ASD Water Dowsing School, a avid supporter of Water For Humanity, a recipient of the Paul Sevigny Award, and a frequent presenter to groups.

Bill has always had a strong connection to nature and finds peace and serenity in natural places heightening his intuitive awareness. As an adult he discovered the Readings of Edgar Cayce and has applied those spiritual concepts in his daily life ever since. Edgar Cayce’ s A.R.E. The Cayce concepts taught that one needs to be of service to others. Retirement allowed him to pursue his dowsing abilities at an increased level, developing working relationships with many drillers, and learning everything he can about rural water supplies to save his customers money when they have a well drilled.

To date, Bill has successfully dowsed over 1300 well sites throughout Central and Eastern New York State. He dowses well sites year round.

Bill will share the way he has used dowsing in his daily life from planting his garden, choosing the best menu item when dining out, finding your way out of the woods, hunting for lost items, map dowsing, ghost research, archaeology research, device less dowsing, and more. Bring your dowsing tools and learn how you can dowse your way through your day. We will end the program with a treasure hunt and you get to keep the treasure!

8/21/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212

Who is Hanna Kroeger – Hanna Kroeger was one of the foremost authorities on herbs, homeopathic remedies and natural healing techniques in the country. In 1999, one year after Hanna’s death, she was named one of the six outstanding holistic pioneers of the 20th century along with Dr. Edward Bach, Edgar Cayce, Dr. John Christopher, Linus Pauling and Ann Wigmore. She spent her entire life developing natural herbal and homeopathic remedies at her educational center, Peaceful Meadow Retreat and Hanna‘s Herb Shop, in Boulder, Colorado. During her lifetime, Hanna trained, healed and inspired thousands of people and wrote 20 books that contain information about and uses for her unique herbal combinations and homeopathic remedies. She developed healing “gadgets”, “hands on” procedures and simple, yet powerful, “home remedies”. Numerous people have been educated, inspired and healed, often when there was no one else to help, by the dedication and teachings of Hanna Kroeger. Her divinely inspired and unique herbal combinations and homeopathic remedies are the purest and most effective remedies available on the market today. Hanna had one goal; to help others heal themselves and their families. In Hanna’s words, “You can do it. You can heal yourself!”

7/17/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: LEOLA SUTTON – Member and Secretary OF FLD ASD – The Spiritual Gifts of the 118 Elements of the Periodic Table
In 2003, Barbara Allys Brandt teamed up with a group of dowsers. Their goal was to identify the positive spiritual gifts of each of the elements on the Periodic Table. This does not involve ingesting the elements or identifying deficient elements in the body. It is believed that each element brings us a spiritual gift. An Element Reading will be demonstrated that can be used for guidance on health, finances, relationships, and work issues.

6/19/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Marc Andrew Mario – Spiritual Anatomy
Dr. Marc Andrew Mario is a 1978 graduate of the Albany College of Pharmacy and a 2001 graduate of Delphi University for Spiritual Studies. Prior to attending Delphi, Marc studied Reiki to the mastership level. His continued interest in healing led him to study metaphysics and RoHun at Delphi, heart-centered hypnotherapy at the Wellness Institute, and most recently intuitive dowsing with the renown teacher, Alicja Aratyn of Ontario, Canada. He resides in Rome, NY.

Marc will discuss the esoteric topic of spiritual anatomy, including how thoughts affect our health, the purpose of the etheric body, karmic influences of disease, a brief overview of the 7 major chakras, and the role of archangels in our healing.

5/15/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Randy Fiege – Biogenesis Update
Randy, a master of the light of Bio Genesis, will share the latest information from Bio Genesis. For those of us familiar with Bio Genesis, Randy will update us on the latest developments from Lantos and Cindy. If Bio Genesis is new to you come learn about these amazing healing tools that instill the remembrance of the Process of Creation into a glass, and that glass radiates, or re-educates, its environment with the memory of the Process of Creation. Restoring the memory of this Process within an individual or object creates a living system—it becomes living matter. While this ancient technology has not been on Earth since the days of Atlantis, Ascended Masters recently re-introduced this effective energy to the World.
With Bio Genesis, you can:
• Establish balance and harmony in your home
• Restore your health and vitality
• Manifest your life goals
Bio Genesis creates harmony. Harmony is structured quite simply, quite effectively, by strengthening the inherent qualities of a region. This is accomplished by enlivening the sequence of Initial Rotations. This is Bio Genesis.
“We speak of regeneration of the most basic element within each individual—the Light of Creation. As this Light returns to the lives on Earth, all things are made possible.”
–Ascended Master Lantos

4/17/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Darrell Braun – Exploring the Dimensionality of the Chakra System
In this talk, Darrell will explore his understanding of the dimensionality of the chakra system which he developed after 4 Near Death Experiences in 2011, and how he produced his new series of Harmonics of Healing CDs – The Dimensional Series. This set reflects the frequency and dimensional aspect of the chakras and the corresponding harmonics. Illness and disease is frequency and dimensional specific – you need the correct frequency in the correct dimension to affect a healing. Be prepared for a complete revamping of your understanding of the chakra system, how the body organizes, the sound template of the body and the whys for multiple conditions. SunGazing will also be covered.
Bio: Darrell has been trained formally and informally in the healing arts, studying Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, Polarity, Cell Memory, Esoteric Healing, and Massage Therapy. He is the originator of Harmonics of Healing – channelled material from other dimensions. In his private sessions, Darrell draws on all his formal and informal training to interface with an individual’s energy system and initiate and affect healing on many levels. He also has done informal work on himself, meditating up to 12 hours a day, working with harmonics and performing shamanic work. Darrell speaks and teaches nationally. He routinely speaks at ASD and SW Dowser conferences. He speaks on the human energy system, sound healing, sacred geometry, and SunGazing.

3/20/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Elder Chris Melco – Chris is an internationally known performer, lecturer and flute maker. Chris found similarities with the Native American culture and his own background (Italian and Greek), and began his journey, a journey that has brought him in contact with Native peoples from all over North and South America. He has learned many facets of their lives and shares extensively in an effort to give a greater understanding of the Native culture and of ourselves as human beings. His canine companion will be with him at all times (Certified Therapy Dog, AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification, Certified by The American Temperament Testing Society).

Topics Chris covered: Being born with awareness and suppressing it for 40 years it was awakened through a visit to Pine Ridge Reservation in 1993. Through his interaction with the Lakota People and their acceptance on the Rez he has awoken his sleeping gifts. Chris has found many avenues to being “hollow bones” a state at which you are a conduit for the spirit.

The human beings cannot hold that power it is too much for the human to carry. To access this power to help humans, that can be done. It takes many changes to the views that we currently hold about our existence. It does become a balancing act, and a very difficult one in the beginning. The more you use it the more it becomes the new normal.

With this new normal there is a price to pay. It will cause you to see the world around you in a new light. That light may not show our fellow humans in as white a light as we thought. You will though have a better openness to spirit and all of nature around you, love and beauty will be more abound to you.

2/20/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Alicja Aratyn – Over the last 20 years she has taught, led, consulted with, healed and inspired thousands of people to bring their lives to the next level of awareness. As a natural born healer she shares her gift generously. Many difficulties in her personal life, before and after immigrating to Canada in 1991, led her to the creation of the “Alicja Centre of Well-Being” based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Despite her professional training in Environmental Engineering from Poland, she dedicated her life to metaphysics and esotherism. As all good teachers do, she started by transforming her own life. Now she bases her classes and one-on-one practices not only on the Ancient Egyptian School of Vibrations but also on her first-hand experience with many alternative modalities. In seminars Alicja uses the newest Accelerated Learning Techniques, which allow people to increase retention of knowledge. Her classes are always well attended due to unique composition of knowledge, wisdom and sense of humor. Alicja is a past Vice President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers, Leader of the Mississauga Dowsers, member of the Toronto Dowsers and for years a Presenter to the American Society of Dowsers. She is also a member of the prestigious Toronto Press Club. Alicja Centre of Well-Being offers the largest variety of metaphysical tools on the internet. To learn more about Alicja’s private sessions and seminars, visit: or call: (905) 848-1233.

Topics Alicja covered: Over the centuries our systems of values and preferences have constantly changed and evolved, however; one thing has remained constant – the value of GOLD. Recently the price of this amazing metal has increased daily. Alicja will guide us to look at two aspects of Gold: the material and the spiritual. Gold – on a material level – is the most sought after “Noble metal” and since “noblesse oblige”, for centuries Gold has been the symbol of wealth, success and social status. Gold – on a vibrational level – offers the most gentle, healing and environmentally friendly frequency. Known to us since Ancient Egypt, it is Gold that has many times helped preserve the dominance of temples, even over the most famous of rulers. Alicja discussed: Why Gold? Why it has been chosen as a symbol of wealth? If Gold’s Vibration is so amazing, why did we forget about it? Moreover, why has it just recently experienced an amazing “come back”? How and why should we use it in dowsing? Can the Vibration of Gold be advantageous in healing? We’ll look at the phenomena of GOLD from a historical and chemical perspective. We’ll learn it’s real value, which has been carried from generation to generation through Mystical Schools and the most famous people in human history including: Plato, Michael Angelo, St. Augustine or St. Germain to mention just a few.

1/16/14 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: John Butler – A Clairvoyant’s Guide to Health. John is a Lifetime member of ASD. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside people, and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East Coast.” John has traveled the nation to present his discoveries – including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led to many valuable discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America.

Some of the many topics John will cover are:

    • How to heal all eye conditions including cataracts and macular degeneration
    • How to improve your hearing
    • How to stop heart attacks and strokes
    • How to strengthen your joints
    • The 12 most contaminated foods, and the 12 least contaminated foods
    • The most common cause of breast cancer
    • The 3 primary causes of prostate cancer
    • The 2 primary causes of diabetes

12/19/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Holiday Celebration: Members of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter gathered for a quite dinner, exchange of experiences and a lot of talk and laughter. Thank you for participating.

11/21/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Linda Bloser – Dowsing’s Effect on Your Aura. Linda will lead us through an exploration of the effect of dowsing on a person’s aura. See the before and after results of the energy transformation created with dowsing. Linda will be sharing her expertise with her aura video station (an imaging system that uses biofeedback to measure, analyze, and display an accurate representation of a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states). She will use the system on volunteers from our group to measure the energy level of chakras before and after dowsing. This will be an evening of experimentation and investigation. We’ll work with more than one type of pendulum and we will expect to see changes in color, size, and shape of auras. This should be an interesting, fun and enlightening demonstration.

About Linda: Linda has been on a spiritual path throughout her adult life. She has completed many years of self-study laying the foundation for structured classes and the following certifications: Reiki Master, Divine Healer (Light of Divine Truth Foundation), First, Second and Third Star Nations Blessing, Spiritual Light Course of Study – Levels 1-7 (Light of Divine Truth Foundation and First Congregation of Infinite Light) Linda initiated Aura Reflections and began conducting aura photography consultations in 2003 after receiving training and certification from Inneractive Aura Video Systems. She has developed a unique process that enables the client to thoroughly understand the energy field around their physical bodies and in their chakra system. Linda provides her services at holistic and metaphysical events and home parties in the Central New York. Contact Linda at: or 315-337-7021. Her web site is

10/17/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
PresenterShelley Santos – Secrets of the Zodiac. Shelley offered a brief introduction to astrology and she explained ascendants (rising signs). She also shared little known tidbits about the different signs not found in astrology books. Shelley has studied astrology for 45 years. She is an NCTR certified astrologer. Reach Shelley at: She offers readings, classes, workshops and parties

9/19/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Presenter: Mika – Crystal Healing – He talked about his highly successful experience with and demonstrate the use of the Vogel Technique for healing.
About Mika: A native New Yorker and resident of Hot Springs, Mika is a man of gentle grace, wisdom, integrity, compassion and humility. He is recognized worldwide for his vast knowledge of Crystals and Crystalline Energy. He has had the prestigious honor of speaking at the United Nations in New York on Global Healing. In his teaching ministry of over three decades on crystals and gemstone therapy, energy healing and Magnified Healing, he has been considered a ‘teacher’s teacher’ and a ‘healer’s healer’ by many. Mika is a trained Crystal Keeper and Guardian, Reiki Master, Master Teacher of Magnified Healing and Clinical Hypnotherapist. For many years, he worked with Alton Kamadon as a Crystal Advisor, studied with Lazaris, has extensive experience with Vogel crystal techniques, and taught in Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy in Kauai. He now certifies students under The International Academy for Healing Arts, of which he is the Founding Director. To learn more about Mika and his healing practice visit:

8/15/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Presenter: Suzanne Kotcher, Jini Cerio and Eric Inglin all members of the Finger Lakes dowsers chapter
Topic: Using Crystal Silos to Remove Negative Core Beliefs – Explore with us the Crystal Silos healing protocol, a technique learned at the ASD Convention.  The Crystal Silos are the work of Glen Cratty, a psychotherapist who uses dowsing in his healing practice. We will use diner sugar jars filled with specific crystals and gems to transmute the energies of invisible negative core beliefs stuck in the subconscious. These core beliefs often programmed in during childhood run our lives on automatic pilot. They are very powerful and often sabotage our best efforts in life. The Silos work to change the energy/vibration of the 30 most common negative core beliefs. Suzanne, Jini and Eric will explain how the crystal silos are put together and then they will demonstrate their use.
Material: Here (Available to FLD Members only)

7/18/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Jeff Gregory – Jeff studied Sound healing with Tom Kenyon, Zacciah Blackburn and John Beaulieu. He is also a Level II Reiki practitioner, certified past life hypnotist from Richard and Tara Sutphen, Level III Rings of Oden practitioner from Aaron and Sue Singleton.  He has studied many other healing modalities and energy work. He has been a member of the American Society of Dowsers since 2005. Reach Jeff at:  607-206-1127. Mailing address is 4 Bates Road, Johnson City, NY 13790. He is available for group or private Sound Wellness sessions.
Topics: Exploring the use of sound for healing and reducing stress and pain – There are medical studies to support this, but we will be checking this using our dowsing tools, so bring yours and make your own decisions. This will be an interactive talk. Starting out using the tuning forks, then to the hand held singing crystal bowls and finishing out with a 15 Minute sound healing session using 5 large gongs.
Reference Material: NA – Jeff is working on a CD.

6/20/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: None
Topics: Sharing of experiences from the 2013 Dowsers Convention in Lyndonville VT.
Reference Material: Review minutes from this meeting and ASD Convention 2013 link page (Available to FLD members only)

5/16/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Mecke Nagel – Mecke is a Student Practitioner of Spiritual Response Therapy and certified in Spiritual Restructuring. She assists clients at all walks of life without judgment, and this spiritual clearing work has brought great joy and peace to her life. Mecke has been practicing SRT/SpRe for about two years and also works with Young Living Essential Oils and Biogenesis Tools. In her spare time she is very active in her community working on many projects to help improve the quality of life for all who live in the Cortland and Ithaca area.
Topics: Showing how to find patterns of negative energy through the application of Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) techniques created by Rev. Robert Detzler.
Reference Material: Reference here (Available to FLD members only)

4/18/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: North Syracuse Community Center 700 South Bay Rd, North Syracuse 13212
Speaker: Sandee Mac – Who is Sandee? Sandee Mac is the vibrant, joyful and talented President of the American Society of Dowsers.  She is also an experienced spiritual teacher who has studied and taught all over the world. She is a shaman, hypnotherapist, acclaimed dowser, certified in NLP and has studied Radionics.
Topics: Open Forum
Reference Material: NA

3/21/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
Location: May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13214
Speaker: Aaron Earl – Has personal experience with transforming negative energies by using dowsing
Topic: Personal experience with transforming negative energies by using dowsing
Reference Material: Here (Available to FLD members only)

2/21/13 Meeting of the ASD Finger Lakes Chapter
LocationMay Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society, 3800 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13214
Jere F. Welch – Has been dowsing for over 50 years and has been speaking to the public about dowsing since the 1970’s. He has used his dowsing skills to help law enforcement locate missing persons and had an article published in the ASD digest on locating missing people.
Topic: How to use different dowsing tools for locating unusual energies
Reference Material: Here (Available to FLD members only)

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