Future Events


Please join us on Thursday, January 16th at 6:00 PM at the



The Finger Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers presents:

John Butler  

How To Add Years To Your Life 
There are certain overriding factors that come into play with just about everybody that accelerates the aging process.  These little discussed topics are often ignored by the mainstream.  That’s one of the reasons why conventional treatments have such a poor track record of reversing most serious health problems and end up just suppressing symptoms and not addressing causes.

The things you will learn about will be beneficial for you no matter what health problems you may have.  These things will also help prevent future problems from happening.  Also, information will be given on how to safely knock out most viral and bacterial infections.

Invite your friends!

John A. Butler – Master Dowser and Professional Clairvoyant
The Fingerlakes Dowsers are welcoming back one of their most popular speakers.  John is a Lifetime Member of the American Society of Dowsers and has been described as “one of the best clairvoyants on the East coast”.  He has used his clairvoyant abilities to perceive the energy outside and inside people at all kinds of levels and dimensions.  For decades people have come from all over North America to see him.  John has shared his health discoveries by giving lectures in both the USA and Canada, from the New England School of Acupuncture in Boston to the Emperor’s College of Acupuncture in Los Angeles.


Please note that if the weather conditions are bad, the meeting will be canceled and we will send out an e-mail to that effect before 4PM that afternoon. You will not receive an e-mail if the meeting is not canceled.


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